I know the pommy J's may be old & worn and there's all the arguments about systems integration & combability etc etc and all the reasons that makes them too risky on paper, but yes aren't we now getting to a point that we're so desperate that maybe we should take them up? You and I know that won't be given a 2nd thought tho!
The way NZDF platforms get replaced these days it seems they welcome the wind-down of one before the replacement gets delivered (let alone FOC) as it saves money & probably helps cope with skills shortages... all related to our poor level of defence spending. We're saw this with RNZN's Tanker, and now with C130H & P3-K2 replacements... mind you I was astounded when the RAF lost the Nimrods and with it effectively all meaningful MPA capability for an entire decade!
I'm sure this lull between retirement & replacement of platforms is a conscious thing the NZDF likely does to give temporary relief to budget pressures. You can guarantee Govt will be telling NZD they're damned lucky to be getting new gear at all so they'll need to just suck it up! If Govt weasel out of the EMAC project then we'll have a real problem on our hands...the EMAC project actually does have good potential to please the Aussies.
One thing the Aussie sub deal & all the chatter has done is not only start to show the public our defence shortcomings, but it's compounding pressure on the political parties to deal with the rising threats in our region... we all know we won't be hearing half the back-room chatter! I still wouldn't expect the Govt to do a turnaround, but it will likely mean Govt now start to realise they need to be cautious just what & how much they kick the can down the road and what doing so would men for implications to our foreign policy settings.
Jeesuuus we now have 2-3 operational transport aircraft (both C130H & B757) most of the time... we can barely do HADR! How the farken heck can anyone put their hand on their heart in NZ, look you in the eye, and say 'we pull our weight...we punch above our weight'