Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates 2.0


Important disclaimer I should've given originally. That display render was made by CEA specifically for showing the CEA radar suite being fitted to the Hunters. The rest of the model is just a Type 26 placeholder that is in no way indicative of BAE or RAN plans for a possible systems fit and most likely predates the latest Hunter-class physical display models from BAE anyway.
I asked the CEA employee about it after taking the photo and that is what I was told.
Even the CEAFAR2 array configuration shown doesn’t actually provide an accurate representation of what the Hunter design will be. As a result the mast design also differs significantly from the picture. That design is at least two years old.


Well-Known Member
Unless their are some really major announcements next year I think the weapons configuration of the Hunters has already been determined. We have 32 VLS to be filled with ESSM, SM-2, SM-6 and probably Tomahawks with NSM to replace Harpoons.

I am not sure if we will still be going with the Phalanx CIWS but I would argue that the advent of cheap drones may well see this system retained ahead of larger calibre weapons or close in missile systems.

Interestingly the mast of the Hunter will actually be constructed at Henderson. Not that surprising really considering it will be largely made out of aluminium. This is one of those projects that is probaably a lot more significant than it might first seem since that mast is freaking huge and no doubt contributes a lot to the top weight of the vessel.



Super Moderator
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Verified Defense Pro
Or are the smaller ones a Sea Ceptor “mushroom farm” and this is a Type 26 with CEAFAR digitally added?
No they don't look like it. If they are VLS then they could be ExLS but ExLS isn't a deck penetrator. It can be stacked on the deck and / or hung off the sides of funnels etc. I don't see a reason for the RAN going with the RN mushroom farms because the RAN doesn't operate European SAMs. However, ExLS can be used to launch decoys etc., as well as Sea Ceptor. I think it may also launch ESSM Blk 2 but I am unsure about that.


New Member
Unless their are some really major announcements next year I think the weapons configuration of the Hunters has already been determined. We have 32 VLS to be filled with ESSM, SM-2, SM-6 and probably Tomahawks with NSM to replace Harpoons.

I am not sure if we will still be going with the Phalanx CIWS but I would argue that the advent of cheap drones may well see this system retained ahead of larger calibre weapons or close in missile systems.

Interestingly the mast of the Hunter will actually be constructed at Henderson. Not that surprising really considering it will be largely made out of aluminium. This is one of those projects that is probaably a lot more significant than it might first seem since that mast is freaking huge and no doubt contributes a lot to the top weight of the vessel.

The Type 26 is to have a composite mast built in Norway -Link. This would likely be lighter and stronger than aluminium. Is the reason that the Hunter class is not getting a composite mast due to cost, no local manufacturer or just the sheer weight of ceafar 2 and the associated cooling etc


Well-Known Member
Even the CEAFAR2 array configuration shown doesn’t actually provide an accurate representation of what the Hunter design will be. As a result the mast design also differs significantly from the picture. That design is at least two years old.
What would you say is the most accurate depiction of the actual configuration?


Super Moderator
No they don't look like it. If they are VLS then they could be ExLS but ExLS isn't a deck penetrator. It can be stacked on the deck and / or hung off the sides of funnels etc. I don't see a reason for the RAN going with the RN mushroom farms because the RAN doesn't operate European SAMs. However, ExLS can be used to launch decoys etc., as well as Sea Ceptor. I think it may also launch ESSM Blk 2 but I am unsure about that.
I think "ExLS isn't a deck penetrator" is a misunderstanding. LM calls one version "Standalone", but that appears to be to distinguish it from the Host ExLS adapter which slots into Mk41 cells. LM's pictures of Standalone ExLS in brochures don't look like something you'd stack on deck, but a thing you'd fit with the top resting on the deck (& that's labelled "Deck and Hatch") & the rest below deck. See -

The Canadians appear to be fitting two ExLS 3-cell Standalone modules aft of the funnel (see below), but I don't see why that should preclude a fitting flush with the deck. It's probably just a question of not taking up below-deck space unnecessarily. And that installation looks to be partly embedded in the superstructure.
MBDA Confirms Sea Ceptor Order for Canadian Surface Combatant - Naval News


Well-Known Member
Hi folks,

I joined the forum recently and have spent the last few weeks reading back over the various discussions. It's been enlightening and interesting.

I'm an ex pusser, marine engineer. I did my time on the Manoora/Kanimbla and then the ANZACs. I left about 15 years ago, but I remember my military time fondly. I feel old however, realising that the ships I served on are either scrapped or in their twilight years. I was part of the original crew that took Manoora out of the old Forgacs yard in Newcastle and did her first work up off the Sydney coast. Fun times.

Like most, I'm keen to see what the navy review delivers. I am a pessimist in regards to future world stability, and I see a need to prepare while there is still a little time left. Hopefully our government also sees that and make the braver, tougher decisions.

Kind regards.


Well-Known Member
No they don't look like it. If they are VLS then they could be ExLS but ExLS isn't a deck penetrator. It can be stacked on the deck and / or hung off the sides of funnels etc. I don't see a reason for the RAN going with the RN mushroom farms because the RAN doesn't operate European SAMs. However, ExLS can be used to launch decoys etc., as well as Sea Ceptor. I think it may also launch ESSM Blk 2 but I am unsure about that.
I haven’t been able to find anything about ESSM compatibility with ExLS. Sea Ceptor is a smaller lighter missile than the ESSM and when you look at the compatibility table for the ExLS it mentions the Ram block 2b which is even smaller again. What it might come down to in the end is whether or not the navy is willing to accept yet another missile type into its mix. If that is the case then they might prefer something like C-Dome.


Active Member
Hi folks,

I joined the forum recently and have spent the last few weeks reading back over the various discussions. It's been enlightening and interesting.

I'm an ex pusser, marine engineer. I did my time on the Manoora/Kanimbla and then the ANZACs. I left about 15 years ago, but I remember my military time fondly. I feel old however, realising that the ships I served on are either scrapped or in their twilight years. I was part of the original crew that took Manoora out of the old Forgacs yard in Newcastle and did her first work up off the Sydney coast. Fun times.

Like most, I'm keen to see what the navy review delivers. I am a pessimist in regards to future world stability, and I see a need to prepare while there is still a little time left. Hopefully our government also sees that and make the braver, tougher decisions.

Kind regards.
Welcome aboard Sammy. I'm also a newby but from a non military background and enjoy the sensible discussions on here. You are correct, we currently live in dangerous times. Cheers,


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Hi folks,

I joined the forum recently and have spent the last few weeks reading back over the various discussions. It's been enlightening and interesting.

I'm an ex pusser, marine engineer. I did my time on the Manoora/Kanimbla and then the ANZACs. I left about 15 years ago, but I remember my military time fondly. I feel old however, realising that the ships I served on are either scrapped or in their twilight years. I was part of the original crew that took Manoora out of the old Forgacs yard in Newcastle and did her first work up off the Sydney coast. Fun times.

Like most, I'm keen to see what the navy review delivers. I am a pessimist in regards to future world stability, and I see a need to prepare while there is still a little time left. Hopefully our government also sees that and make the braver, tougher decisions.

Kind regards.
Welcome to the forum Sammy.
You feel old! Did time on Manoora! That’s not old, you’ll be right at home, old is doing time in Anzac D59 and in Kimbla!


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I'm an ex pusser, marine engineer. I did my time on the Manoora/Kanimbla and then the ANZACs. I left about 15 years ago, but I remember my military time fondly. I feel old however, realising that the ships I served on are either scrapped or in their twilight years. I was part of the original crew that took Manoora out of the old Forgacs yard in Newcastle and did her first work up off the Sydney coast. Fun times.
Welcome, I'm an ex-golly (EW), I did a couple of trips on Manoora for Op Trek in 02. :)


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Welcome to the forum Sammy.
You feel old! Did time on Manoora! That’s not old, you’ll be right at home, old is doing time in Anzac D59 and in Kimbla!
Welcome Sammy, good to see another member of the Mob on the forum. As you can see from DDG38’s post we are a non discriminatory forum (I served in DDG39, a far superior ship!)

Like Assail, I did time in D59 and F02 (Queenborough) so I’m old, but in the LPA context, I was the project Sponsor for the acquisition of Kanimbla and Manoora…. Whatever people might think about those two ships themselves, they were successful in letting us make the argument to Government which led to Adelaide and Canberra.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the welcome all. Given the above I will reclassify myself as perhaps middle aged.

I enjoy history and I went back and researched the ANZAC, Kimbla and Queenborough. I was aware of the ship classes, but I will admit light on the details. It looks like it was an interesting era to have been part of.

Its nice to see some people who were involved with the LPAs. DDG38, I must have come close to crossing paths with you. I think I left Manoora late 01 or early 02, but I moved into the SPO for a while thereafter.

Spoz, I agree. They did their job well and did what people asked of them. Not many other ships get a second lease of life like they did. I liked them, and for a young engineer they were a great platform to learn my trade. I still have a framed photo of them up on my wall at home. I saw a lot of the world on them.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Welcome Sammy, good to see another member of the Mob on the forum. As you can see from DDG38’s post we are a non discriminatory forum (I served in DDG39, a far superior ship!)

Like Assail, I did time in D59 and F02 (Queenborough) so I’m old, but in the LPA context, I was the project Sponsor for the acquisition of Kanimbla and Manoora…. Whatever people might think about those two ships themselves, they were successful in letting us make the argument to Government which led to Adelaide and Canberra.
That is something, my dad served on Queenborough in the late 50s. I have his photo album from a deployment he was on during the Confrontation somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Welcome Sammy, good to see another member of the Mob on the forum. As you can see from DDG38’s post we are a non discriminatory forum (I served in DDG39, a far superior ship!)

Like Assail, I did time in D59 and F02 (Queenborough) so I’m old, but in the LPA context, I was the project Sponsor for the acquisition of Kanimbla and Manoora…. Whatever people might think about those two ships themselves, they were successful in letting us make the argument to Government which led to Adelaide and Canberra.
I knew I was a younger member of this forum but with you lot having served on ships decommissioned over 30 years before I was born in the case of Queenborough and D59 I'm practically a baby.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
No doubt he had the rack between Collins and Farncomb in the RANC class of 1913 too.
I always rather liked Jacky Fisher too - good run ashore oppo.

That bed, the one between Farncomb and Collins, that would have been my father (although he was really the 1916 entry).

Anyway, I’m not as old as Assail, his training cruise was probably in the sloop Swan. We served together, but he was always immeasurably the senior……(actually, Chris is only a couple of years older than me, and we’re really just spring chickens, but why let facts get in the way?)
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The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
I always rather liked Jacky Fisher too - good run ashore oppo.

That bed, the one between Farncomb and Collins, that would have been my father (although he was really the 1916 entry).

Anyway, I’m not as old as Assail, his training cruise was probably in the sloop Swan. We served together, but he was always immeasurably the senior……(actually, Chris is only a couple of years older than me, and we’re really just spring chickens, but why let facts get in the way?)
I was a couple of months shy of 21 when I joined.
I’d been at University of Sydney for two years during the “Conscription” period and like many of my ilk who joined the Reserves for 5 years ( to avoid going into the ballot) I’d joined the Sydney Port Division as an OD firstly at HMAS Rushcutter then HMAS Watson.
Beer and Rugby impeded my academic progress and after 2 years of failure I lost my Commonwealth Scholarship and could no longer afford Uni (you had to pay upfront back then), so down to the York St recruiting office I went and joined up,
15 fantastic years of opportunity followed, only resigned because the muppets cancelled the Carrier replacement and I could see ASW going down the gurgler, which it did for 25 odd years.