nz enthusiast
New Member
Re: Royal Australian Navy force enhancements
Seantheaussie, you appear to be miss informed, both Australia and NZ have had to use C-17s and antonovs for startegic airlift. We needed startegic airlift from USAF C-17s so we could get all our vehicles over to Afghanistan to help our SAS. Your ideas seem to be like those of the US at the beginning of the 20th century and with the US not acting, one of he stongest war machines ever seen came knocking on their doorstep i.e Japan.
Also if Australia used the excuse of not having strategic airlift to deploy, you know what the US does, it tells you screw ANZUS like they have done ever more to us since we didn't participate in Iraq fully. In the mind of the americans, the more you help us, the more of our defence tech you are allowed.
You considered how big Australia is, how much logisitics problems they have when trying to move stuff around your huge land mass. This shows large transport planes offer at home benefits to with them beginning capable of moving large amounts of gear around.
and what do you when some invades you, you slam down their offensive, and you go hunting them to their home, you realise your really screwed becuase you can't move much of your stuff.
Nz and Aust only have c-130s which when you look at can move hardly anything, even we have been looking at something like a C-17 or the A-400M to help us with our peace keeping deployments. You can't have litle old NZ with better tranpost capability then you now can you.
Get your head out of lala land.
Seantheaussie, you appear to be miss informed, both Australia and NZ have had to use C-17s and antonovs for startegic airlift. We needed startegic airlift from USAF C-17s so we could get all our vehicles over to Afghanistan to help our SAS. Your ideas seem to be like those of the US at the beginning of the 20th century and with the US not acting, one of he stongest war machines ever seen came knocking on their doorstep i.e Japan.
Also if Australia used the excuse of not having strategic airlift to deploy, you know what the US does, it tells you screw ANZUS like they have done ever more to us since we didn't participate in Iraq fully. In the mind of the americans, the more you help us, the more of our defence tech you are allowed.
You considered how big Australia is, how much logisitics problems they have when trying to move stuff around your huge land mass. This shows large transport planes offer at home benefits to with them beginning capable of moving large amounts of gear around.
and what do you when some invades you, you slam down their offensive, and you go hunting them to their home, you realise your really screwed becuase you can't move much of your stuff.
Nz and Aust only have c-130s which when you look at can move hardly anything, even we have been looking at something like a C-17 or the A-400M to help us with our peace keeping deployments. You can't have litle old NZ with better tranpost capability then you now can you.
Get your head out of lala land.