Re: Royal Australian Navy force enhancements
As I have just politely pointed out to a French poster on another forum.
No offence, but I'm happy that the Saudis have got Aster - I'm even happier that we don't.
good grief, why would we want ASTER when it's a less capable system.ajay_ijn said:Is australia having any enemies i don't think.Does RAN Surface ships Participate in wars with USN.
RAN could get a better Missile for their future destroyers like Aster 30/15.
Isn't SM-2 getting older?
As I have just politely pointed out to a French poster on another forum.
The fact that we're kitting out with ESSM + a raft of other "connects" means that we can merge and fire with any other Aegis BMS.sorry matey, I was being sarcastic. my point was that Aster is being promoted by the very country that doesn't have it fielded. and if we are expected to be in awe of it because a frontline combat effective fleet like the Saudis have it... then I rest my interim case.
and for those who continue to prattle on about SPY-1 - lets remember it's a 25 year old system and others have yet to field a contender of equivalency. OTOH, Aegis is already transiting to the next generation. The "contender" in the prev argument doesn't have deployment mass, doesn't have history, isn't placed on any vessels of any combat fleet that would be regarded as Tier 1 capability - and yet we are expected to faun over potential?
it doesn't work that way in my part of the woods. in industry we refer to such prodigious examples of commercial success as "orphans".
I have no doubt that Aster can deliver at a level that will be commensurate with expectations - but when it's compared against a deliberately misrepresented system for the sake of trying to puff up national pride - then sorry - no 1st prize from this little judge.
No offence, but I'm happy that the Saudis have got Aster - I'm even happier that we don't.