John Newman
The Bunker Group
Gents,What and miss out on all the fun?
If you really want a laugh, read the comments in this "Australian Aviation" article from last December regarding a "slow down in F35 production":
F-35 head says production should be slowed | Australian Aviation Magazine
The very first person to comment was a "Peter", would that be a certain "Mr Peter Goon" I wondered to myself??
I won't go into all the details here, have a read of the comments, but in the end I just gave up trying to have a "rational" debate with "Anti F-35 Peter" It was all just too much, like having a religious zelot banging on your front door on a Saturday morning, asking if I had heard the word of God!!
Some of the garbage, especially about "we all had to look at the New Australia Website" and how great "APA" was.
But the one quote that "Peter" made totally lost me was:
John N, Andrew McLaughlin and to the other JSF advocates – Also just to let you guys know that the APA contributers are far more knowledgable than the RAAF, Department of Defence and Federal Government – with facts etc.
So there you have it!! Yes little old me, John N, may not be knowledgeable, but APA is "far" more knowledgeable than the RAAF, Defence and the Government!!!
So there you have it!! We are all stupid!!
Like I said, I just gave up, would have had more satisfaction smashing my head into the wall a dozen times or so!