At least the f-35 didn't have to worry about running out of missiles in the sim, because it didn't get to fire them.
I bet they have another sim where the f-35 ran out of missiles and were 'clubbed like a baby seal'
They still haven't caught on that official Russian missile ranges are measured at an alt of ~25,000 meters and official US missiles are measured at ~11,000 meters. [~35,000ft]
That gives about a 2 times range advantage to the Russian than if they were both fired at the same alt, then they play their numbers game on top of that
I bet they have another sim where the f-35 ran out of missiles and were 'clubbed like a baby seal'
They still haven't caught on that official Russian missile ranges are measured at an alt of ~25,000 meters and official US missiles are measured at ~11,000 meters. [~35,000ft]
That gives about a 2 times range advantage to the Russian than if they were both fired at the same alt, then they play their numbers game on top of that