Aussie Digger
There was a while ago (1997 - 2002) in the form of the SM-4 land attack standard missile (LASM). The project got canned however in 2002 after it was shown the missile would have only limited capability against mobile or hardened targets.Magoo said:No - different internals. The RAAF has chosen the JASSM, it just hasn't been announced yet. Both Boeing and LockMart officials have been informed as of early February.
No - different fuselage shape and flight profile. The JASSM is less of a missile and more of an unmanned aircraft in shape, and wouldn't lend itself to the violence of a vertical launch. Allied naval units use the TLAM as their land attack missile, and Australia uses the Harpoon Block II from the Anzac frigates (or at least, will soon) and possibly from the four remaining Perry's if they receive the Block II upgrade as well. I hear there may be a land-attack version of the SM-2 in the wings as well?
It would have been a pretty sweet deal though. A supersonic vertically launched land attack missile with a 280k+ range. Developments to the propulsion system would have given it a 350K+ range. It carried a unitary warhead, but a "cargo" type warhead was under development as well. On top of this, it was re-manufactured from obsolete Standard missiles, meaning it didn't cost much either. Just a new guidance system and warhead.
IF the ADF wants a land attack missile for it's AWD's it'll pretty much have to go the Tactom nowadays. There's talk of development of a 180k+ vertically launched Harpoon variant, with land attack capabilities (over and above those of the Block II variant) but I'd imagine that would be some years off yet.
The RAN will just have to make do with Harpy Block II and ERGM (once the AWD's are in-service) for some time yet, I reckon...
P.S. FFG will have Block II as well. ALL ADF Harpoon stocks are being upgraded to the Block II standard...