I have AA: SF for the computer, too, but I don't play games on my computer very often.
I don't have Delta Force: Joint Ops, but I have Black Hawk Down on Xbox, but I hardly ever play it because all of the game modes have respawns, and that's lame. In fact, the only reasons I kept it was 1) I like having an interactive piece of history like that, and 2) proceeds from the game went to the Special Operations Warrior Foundation: a non-profit organization that gives college scholarships and educational counseling to surviving children of Special Operations personnel killed in action.
I also have all of Clancy's Xbox titles except for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory and Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (GRAW). I thought the Splinter Cell games were pretty good graphics wise, but I disliked the plot(s). I find it very, very... very hard to believe that one man could do all/any of that stuff. I realy enjoy GR2 and GR2: SS because they're squad-based, and I like the challenge. GRAW is just way to "gee-whiz" to be enjoyable.
You should definately look into Ten Hammers. I know it came out on 28 MAR 06, here in the US, but my friend in Canada hasn't have been able to get ahold of it, yet. But keep a look out for me (Gray R), because I'm on Ten Hammers all the time, and always looking for a good military buff to play with.
Also, for WWII fans, the Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 totally rocks. I'm talking to-scale recreations of entire towns, and you get to run amuck in all of it! The game's fairly easy, so you may want to go ahead and play on hard. Great game, great graphics, and of course, based on true events (it follows a squad from the 101st)! It also includes in-depth making of the game, and how they "got it right."