Why would Saudi want LCS without US modular support? I don't see the need for this req when they need a better all-round FFG.Thanks a lot Izzy.
So it is plausible that Saudi could order a mix of LCS and FREMM, potentially for replacement of Al Badr corvettes and of the Madinah French frigates. Interesting. That way there wouldn't be too much of a need for enhanced AAW aboard the LCS, since the Badr they are replacing never had significant AAW...
On the Libyan Foxbats, if all they have is Acrid, a semi-active with max 40km range, I guess we can consider them obsolete. Even with their amazing speed they would stand no chance against an AIM120-equipped Typhoon.
If the Foxbats haven't recieved the Russian brownfileld pack I doubt they are airworthy.