The Bunker Group
Well terminology of sensibilty is debatable for Kim's Dynasty. They are dynastic power, thus they are always moving with their own logic. Still potential ROK military moving on their own seems unlikely at this moment. Granted so far shown they are more inlining them selves with Yoon conservative government. However it is also can be argue they are sticking with their constinutional commander in chief.for North Korea, if they're sensible they'll stay quiet. South Korea in a constitutional crisis would be less predictable than normal - the military might take it upon themselves to return fire if they feel the government is incapacitated.
Mrs S is watching Japanese news, which is covering it heavily. Says it looks as if the President is paranoid.
It is potentialy not paranoid, but could be his unorthodox attempt to force political compromise to break through Parliement gridloock. Despite his approval rating down trend, half of ROK still support him.
In East and Southeast Asia 3 Presidential system has history of dictatorial President. That's South Korea, Philippines and Indonesia. All three after that doing adjustment on constitution to limit President power. Some side effect happen, but perhaps all three nations in average still believe Presidential system is the best for them at this moment. I can not talk much on average South Korean and Pinoy feel for their current Presidential system. However for Indonesian, it is better then the mess up Parliement system can bring in our History. I suspect all three don't want Dictatorial back, but still want relative strong Presidential government.