I think that the questions have to be asked:
- What does Kim Jong Un want from this meeting?
- What is the minimum payment that Kim will accept?
- What does Putin want from this meeting?
- What is Putin prepared to pay for it?
I think in answer Putin wants artillery ammo and other weapons. Is he willing to trade Russian missile, rocket, satellite, and nuclear tech / information for it? If he is desperate enough I think he will. OTOH Kim will be after Russian missile, rocket, satellite, and nuclear tech / information because he has so far failed to get a satellite into orbit after two attempts, and he will be after the ability to miniaturise his nuclear warheads. His shopping list may also include modern Russian sensors, aircraft, weapons etc. I think he does have the upper hand this time because he has something that Putin desperately wants. The real question is how desperate is Putin and what he's willing to pay.
Putin will have to be careful because the PRC may not be very happy if he gives Kim to much nuclear technology. They don't mind a well armed NK on their border, but they d want one that is dependent upon them and one with advanced nuclear capabilities may be unacceptable to Beijing. They don't fully trust NK. They realise that Putin needs PRC support and that he very much is the junior partner in the Sino - Russo relationship. They think that because of this they have some leverage over Putin. Putin must realise this and he cannot afford to lose PRC support. I posted elsewhere on here last week that I think the PRC may ship war material to Russia using NK as the conduit. That gives them the illusion of plausible deniability because they can say:
"We exported it to our fraternal socialist brothers in North Korea to enhance their defence against the war mongering South Koreans and the hegemonistic Americans, who are the oppressors of the peaceful, freedom loving democratic proletariat. Unfortunately our fraternal socialist brothers in North Korea, in their zeal to help the Russian nation in its fight against the Ukrainian and NATO Nazis, made an error of judgement over which we have no control."