sidishus said:
Hanit was just off the Corniche...This is her (almost certainly) that afternoon...
The Cambodian freighter was further out to sea...and it was night. It took more than eyballs to acquire that ship, and its obvious "they" didn't know exaclty what "they" were shooting at.
Looks like a launch on radar to me...
yeah, I misread this other article. It actually reported:
"The missile, is a C-802 radar-guided anti-shipping missile manufactured in Iran using Chinese technology. Its range is estimated to be about 110 km.
Apparently two such missiles were fired on Friday night, one of them hitting INS Spear and the other a Cambodian-flagged freighter, 60 km off shore. A dozen Egyptian sailors from the freighter were picked up by another commercial vessel after their ship sunk following the missile strike."
well, the missile itself was not launched on the edge of the beach. The missile could've been fired from 50 KM inland. I'm not sure how the launchers gave the coordinates to the missile in the first place. As for the Cambodia freighter. Again, we've been believing in what the Israelis said all along. For all we know, the Egyptians could be telling the truth and the freighter was destroyed by the Israelis.