missile atack
Whatever the mode the vessel was, or wich way were the guns directed, they were in a very bad position, as stated earlier, a coastal ambush is deadly, and ill bet that the crew probably wasnt at a high state of readiness, since they were blockading the harbours for some 2-3 days, and no one challenged them, not even one of those small missile boats the lebanese have, and if the calculations made earlier are correct 18 seconds from launch to hit is a very small time, so i wonder if the crew even engaged those missiles. we´ll probaly never know, because the israelis wont disclose it. But in anycase, and as someone said, the fact that hizbollah (or Iranians) disabled one of the more modern vessels of the Israeli navy is a huge victory,whatever way you look at it. Also the weapon that presumably was used and its origin, gives serious concern that perhaps this war will not stop at Lebanon, and that is a very frightning development, because Sirya and Iran are not just paperweights...