uhhhh so hard
why u have anger ?? ı realy count understand the ıssue can austrıla be dangreous for ındonesıa ???? realy ı m out of ınfo ın thıs as far as ı know there ıs no poınt for australıa or ındonesıa for beıng rıvals and sıngapor ıs a small state what wıll change even they have 100 submarıne same for malısıa they are sımılar ı thınk ausıes should focus on chınese naval more then ındonesıa ??? what u thınk ??Rediculous. Plain arrogant stupidity on the part of their government. In my opinion it would be show of disrespect to all other nations who have helped them, and for their own people. Until they start to tow the line on internal and international issues eg people smugling, piracy, poverty, famon, there should be no further aid given to them.
Besides, they wont be a threat or deterent, they wont work and they (the Indonesians) wont be able to maintain them anyways... and surely no signifcant problem for the RAN (I do say this very nationalisticaly however)
Im sorry but Indonesia is a nation whose government fires me up![]()