Indonesian Aero News


The Bunker Group

Video from Indonesian MinDef of Su-30MK2 doing recent exercise in East Java. Including in the exercise aerial refueling between Flankers and KC-130B. Personally I just wondering why the background music they are using Wiz Khalifa See You Again? Is there subtle massage there, or I'm just overthingking :D.

Perhaps they just want to show, despites all the odds with Russian supplies problem (acquisition and payment channel), the Flankers still keep operational.
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Active Member
As @ChestnutTree put in his recent post, this network will be TNI-AU answer for lack of AEW.
Just want to note that they implied this is supposed to be a stopgap solution that's "good enough" for the short term.

How long is this going to be a stopgap is anyone's guess considering its Indonesia.


The Bunker Group

Framework Agreement antara PT DI & PAL Aerospace terkait Technology Transfer of Maritime Patrol Aircraft and Anti-Submarine Warfare
Jokowi recent visit in UAE, most of agreement related to Investment and Business cooperation. However one related to defense with agreement between Indonesian DI and UAE PAL Aerospace, related to MPA and ASW capabilities.

Seems it is strong indication that Indonesia will use PAL Aerospace P-6 system as base for Indonesian next MPA-ASW system. Most likely will use Bombardier platform to fasten integration. However it is also not discounted potential on using other Business Jet Platforms.


Active Member
Seems it is strong indication that Indonesia will use PAL Aerospace P-6 system as base for Indonesian next MPA-ASW system.
There are talks within a few circles in Jakarta that the government, and Prabowo by my guess, is supposedly waiting until after the US presidential elections before making any significant procurement approaches with Washington.


The Bunker Group

supposedly waiting until after the US presidential elections before making any significant procurement approaches with Washington.
Trump administration actually that open the door for Indonesia to acquire F-15 and F-18. This as alternatives offer to F-35 that Washington still reluctant to let Indonesia get. Thus whether Biden or Trump, the offer basically the same.

The next election mostly going to result either Haris or Trump administration, and Haris administration basically continuation of Biden ones. Thus not changing much on either one toward Indonesia arms offering from US. None of them will change possition to give Indonesia access toward F-35. Besides as you also mentioned before, what Indonesia Military planners wants is Flanker class aircraft. Thus the choice is either Flankers or Eagles.

This if the planners and MinDef still want US stuff. There's enough indication that Indonesia working around toward French, Italian and Turkiye for future acquisition. Both US and China increase military hardware diplomacy toward Indonesia acquisition. As base on Indonesian possition politically and economically, there's also choice either procure from both of them, or from neither of them. Can't only from one of them.

So, I just sense yes they can use the US election to delay the procurement. However seems it is more on budget allocations commitment. It is just not enough more room on budget from Jokowi's last days. So has to be calculated from Prabowo's own next administration budget commitment. This is more what hold out in my opinion, the decision to commit to F-15 and also to commit with Type 52D Destroyers.

Or who knows they can decide to drop both F-15 and Type 52D Destroyers with more Rafale and joint Turkiye TF-2000 program. Politically the later one can be considered safer toward Indonesian diplomacy with both Washington and Beijing.


The Bunker Group

Coincide with French Pegase 2024 Asia Pacific operation, Airbus also reintroduce and restart their marketing campaign for A330MRTT. Previously their campaign stop as Indonesia choose A400M instead. Now the Pegase 2024 to Indonesia bring not only Rafale and A400M, but also A330MRTT.

Clearly diplomatic mission from Arme de Air coincidentally bring 2 of Aircraft that already in Indonesian order, and add another type that for years has been tried by Airbus and Indonesian AF to get the deal done. Clearly Pegase 2024 also being use to shown Indonesian AF on the combination of force deployment that being offer.

With official Indonesian MinDef online accounts at same time of Airbus sales pitch also bring A330MRTT video, as usual seems symbolism shown that presently the Airbus pitch for A330MRTT got possible more attention.
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John Fedup

The Bunker Group
The MRTT+ is based on the A330neo. IMHO, a much better choice than the problem plagued KC-46 and general QC issues with Boeing.



The Bunker Group
MRTT use A330-200 and MRTT+ use A330-800. Coincidentally Garuda Indonesia has 4 A330-200 and 4 A330-800 in order. The market analyst indicate that Garuda Indonesia wants to focus with A330-300 and A330-900. Thus they are winding down A330-200 and delay A330-800 in the order (while continue the order for 900).

Perhaps this way out for Airbus too, on getting that 800 order become reality.

Frenchie salesman in Jakarta just put in his video to confirm A330 MRTT+ is the one that Airbus offers. I often ridicule him as he's 'unashamedly' call himself as Defense expert, eventough he is also unscrupolusly bias and talking BS on other products that he is not represented as agent.

Still as defense salesman he knows insiders development, especially what his 'masters' offering.

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Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

LEN CEO (which also CEO of Defend ID, Indonesia SOE MIC Holding), talk with media on progress of 13 CGI radar they are working with Thales. The radar GM 403 being build with most components come from Thales, other parts license build by LEN, but LEN conduct final assembly. This 13 GCI radar are part of 25 new GCI radars that being acquire to replace some old ones, and add new sites for Radar installation.

Other 12 will be supply by Czech Retia, which from other media reported as their RL-3DL type. With existing GCI radars, this 25 new GCI will be integrate into chain of GCI radars network. As @ChestnutTree put in his recent post, this network will be TNI-AU answer for lack of AEW. TNI AU also talk on getting more radars including some as back up (which I suspect more as redundancies coverage) to what seems interlocking coverage GCI network.

Well that's so far their answer for Radar Coverage network chain.
Indonesia has started operating Selex RAT 31DL/M tactical long-range radar to strengthen surveillance.

The Indonesian Ministry of Defense (MoD) announced in mid-July that the Indonesian Air Force is operating a RAT 31DL/M, jointly produced by Selex/Leonardo and the Bandung-based state-owned defence electronics firm, PT Len Industri.

TNI-AU's 221st Radar Unit based in Ngliyep, Malang, in Jawa-Timur is the first unit which operates the Selex RAT 31DL/M radar.

The RAT 31DL/M with a maximum range of 400 km can detect a variety of incoming airborne threats including ballistic missiles, the MoD added, and with this it has a similar performance as the Thomson-CSF/Thales Ground Master 403.

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The Bunker Group
Not really connected to Indonesian AF, however it is happen in Denpasar International Airport. As TNI-AU have facilities in the airport, I presume both F22 refueling at that facilities.

Two seperate video on F22 take off, one front You Tube one from X.


US Embassy say the flight of F22 in Denpasar actually consist of 4 F22. Thus correction on initial info that stating 2 F22.
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The Bunker Group

As become pattern on Indonesian announcement to public, everytime they send video on Assets to their online media, means the asset confirm to be acquire or at least already close to be in effective contract. It used to shown serious intention, but seems increasingly close to end of this Jokowi's term, and transition to next Prabowo's own term, tendencies to shown procurement results increase.

On other hand this also increasingly shown asside Frenchie and Some Italian, Turkiye portion in defense projects also increasing as time by. Frenchie, Italian and Turkiye seems taking over portion from UK, Dutch and German. Latest Prabowo's visit to Euro zone also talk much on defense projects with both Frenchie and Turkiye.

Bayraktar and Anka also shown Indonesian balancing UAV supplies and tech from China. As so far MALE Recce and UCAV mostly relying on Chinese CH-4. Whether by getting more UAV from Turkiye means replacing China or provide second sources, remain to be seen.

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The Bunker Group

For this past week, Frenchie salesman shown increasing efforts to make his case on MRTT. This shown the sales lobby for MRTT highten. Seems this open again on Boeing and Airbus rivalry.

A330 MRTT have edge, as talking on Indonesian MRO support and population of A330. So if Boeing won, means only it's political. That political aspects seems quite significant, which by the way this Frenchie salesman try to vent his sides points in publics, shown they are nervous.


The Bunker Group

Lockheed Martin Indonesia team seems preparing this Video in Indonesian, that talk of electronic capabilities of latest F-16 sensory awareness. This is seems in my suspicion aim for the MLU program for F-16 C/D (ID). Those are second batch F-16 that Indonesia got as part of SBY and Obama deal in last decade.

Those are refurbished Blk 25, but seems need another refurbishment program to keep them relevant operationally toward next decade. If those F-16 has not got further refurbishment, then more likely they can only operate effectively up to early next decade.

There's enough talk for Hawk 100/200 will be the first to be winding down. Not surprisingly as the 200 especially only been used by 3 customer, thus limited population and means limited prospect of efficient parts lines. Question now on how long Flankers and F-16 will be kept by MinDef.

If they are going with F-15EX or additional Rafale in next term, I do have big doubt they can do substantial refurbishment toward both Flankers and F-16. Thus if that happens I suspect only limited MRO being done toward both fleet, just to keep them operational by end of this decade or early next one.

Again my speculation base more on current projection of budget availability. As I put time and time again in Indonesian threads, money trails in the end that has to be use as base to predict potential defense program. Not some defense insiders wish list speculation.


The Bunker Group

TAI Indonesia officially open their rep office in Bandung. This is related to DI locate in Bandung and Indonesian leading tech school ITB also located in Bandung. Those two institution that'll be focus of TAI to work out their projects co-op in Indonesia.

This shown the traction on Indonesia - Turkiye defense co-op increasing momentum. This is off course related to plan licensing of ANKA MALE UCAV in DI facility. However by opening the official rep in Bandung instead Jakarta, shown potential additional projects in Aerospace has traction to increase, outside ANKA projects.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

TAI Indonesia officially open their rep office in Bandung. This is related to DI locate in Bandung and Indonesian leading tech school ITB also located in Bandung. Those two institution that'll be focus of TAI to work out their projects co-op in Indonesia.

This shown the traction on Indonesia - Turkiye defense co-op increasing momentum. This is off course related to plan licensing of ANKA MALE UCAV in DI facility. However by opening the official rep in Bandung instead Jakarta, shown potential additional projects in Aerospace has traction to increase, outside ANKA projects.
Yes, they want to open an office in the BRI-buillding. In this video they only tell that 60 engineers will "do things together", without giving details, but i also think it is specially for the Anka UAV-program.
Kolaborasi Indonesia-Turkiye di Industri Dirgantara (


The Bunker Group
but i also think it is specially for the Anka UAV-program.
It is more likely on that program. Eventough Indonesian enthusiasts and even some Turkiye enthusiasts talk on this office opening also sign on projects more than ANKA. Some dream on KAAN.

Well good luck on that, for one thing Indonesia are cutting down commitment with KF-21, and now some enthusiasts dream on commitment with KAAN ? Why don't they just pray for first thing first, commitment with ANKA or other UAV MALE projects being finished on time on budget.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Well, as we all know, fanboys do not use their common sense, they are just fixated on their wild dreams of spectacular and sensational programs, far beyond our financial reach.

Not only our involvement in the KF-21 is a mess, but it is also very quiet around programs like Elang Hitam UAV, N219 and N245.

We are really good with coming with new cool, original and hightech looking designs, and then cancel it or just make one test/prototype object. Multiple UAV designs, multiple armoured vehicles, light off-road vehicles and naval projects like the 63 m trimaran and the Antasena tankboat are just some of them.


The Bunker Group


I always taking quite seriously if something being posted in MinDef online accounts. Because it's usually shown something serious being discussed at least.

As this photos, originate from DI accounts, but reposted by MinDef online accounts. Shown Havelsan CEO visit in DI facility. It's been talk before that DI and Havelsan trying to working out co-op in simulation business. Havelsan CEO at this photo looking at DI N219 simulator.

However something else being talk in Havelsan and DI co-op on area of system Integration for AWACS platform. Turkiye AWACS is E7 derivative, is this talk on potential using similar platform or other platform? I suspect different platform, but whatever the platform, seems AWACS for TNI-AU get another traction.

This is already move and back for several years, as AEW&C getting push back in priority list for several occasions. Will this means they are getting back in priority lists ? Personally I still have my doubt, unless they are pull back from F-15EX. Something that also still in limbo.


Frenchie/Euro salesman is increasing sulking. Just love to tease him, he is so easily shown his true colours eventough unashamedly still talk to his followers, he is but Defence Consultant. Why some enthusiasts still buying his Consultant credentials and not salesman reality, is beyond me.
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Active Member
However something else being talk in Havelsan and DI co-op on area of system Integration for AWACS platform. Turkiye AWACS is E7 derivative, is this talk on potential using similar platform or other platform? I suspect different platform, but whatever the platform, seems AWACS for TNI-AU get another traction.
I honestly think something like an E7 derivative could work, bonus points if they can convince Airbus to supply an A330 airframe to integrate it.