1. No such thing as ITAR free. There are always certain terms of use.
2. Common budget is a hoax. Europeans cannot agree on things. What matters most is what each individual nation gets to spend. It should decide what to buy and from whom on its own.
The EU simply does not have industrial independence. They need to import a lot of things either designed or made abroad.
Both points just false.
1. Yes, there are such things as ITAR-free.
Most European ground systems are sovereign.
Most European naval systems are sovereign.
In the aerospace sector Yankees still hold a monopoly in some areas, especially hydraulic systems and some fly-by-wire features, also regarding life-support.
But that's just very far from your false claim that there is no such things as ITAR-free.
Basically all new European programs that will enter service from now on have the mandatory requirement of being ITAR-free.
Let's look at the Euro drone MALE Rpas, where Avio had to develop a new engine because we did not want to use one that was not 100% ITAR-free.
Come on.
2. You either just don't know how the EU works or you're trying to manipulate things just to support your view.
I really have no interest in explaining you how the Eurosystem or the EU Commission budget work, or what a Direction-General is.
Common budget is a thing, and so is EU common debt.
The EU works fine? Hell no!
There are some many things that don't work.
But your BS is just not true.