We have this similar discussion going on in SDf and in both forums i find it rather funny that many seems to lack the big picture of any warfare situation.
Yeas, its true that Taiwan is an iland and yeas it's true that the only possiple warscenario is defending against Chinese assault.
But the thing that mostly wonderes me is that someones seems to think that the war is only about the fact that PLA cannot enter Taiwan shore. The whole amphibious assault is at this point wayout of PLAs capapilityes but if we assume it could do it succesfuly, there needs to be bit more defencive layers than just denying the actual landing. Saying that TAiwan only needs good airdefence or good naval dominance to counter the PLA attack is just, well stubid (sorry to offend someone, but that just my feelings towards this matter)
So PLA is now had their beachhead, what can and should the ROCs troops do? Becouse unlike someone seems to think the possiple fielding of Type 96 and 99s added with the latest chinese tankdestroyers wont just go rolling ROcs troops to the ground push trough everything...this isen't any video game...
To fight defencive warfare you first might think that where do you need tanks for it? Well to withstand the enemy attack is another thing, but taking the benefit of the welldone defencive fighting is another thing. Enemy troops that failed to psuh trough their offensive objectives have reorganizate and they often loose the intiative of the combat. It's right at every armys manuals that the defencive troops (ROC in thins scenario) should use this advantage and make counter attacks exploiting the intial attackers weak moment.
How should ROC troops do it? take their portable ATGMs and charge with them? There the tanks come in their best use in defencive warfare. A good centerized tankgroup (size is irrelevant but obviously, there is some optimal number) used in rahter large unit (not falling to the old mistakes of usinbg tanks as dispered small units to support infantry) in single location can do considerable bunch...
So does ROC need a tankforce? yeas definetly, every country facing conventional warfare needs them. But are tanks the sole element of this kind of warfare? No, artillery and infantry remains always the main performer of any conventional warfare operation. But tanks are as vital to the succes as the other branches. Thats the key issue of understanding the "big picture", to be able to see the possiple scenario from every bracnhs aspect and realize that they all play inportant role in it and if one fails, then the whole objective fails...