Stating what new APFSDS round is unaffected by ERA, based on NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING more than your withsfull thinking - is indeed cospiracy. The same level of conspiracy suggest what designers of SU-27 knew about F-117 and found a way to detect it from 70km. And developers of Su-30MKI knew about F-22 and implemented a radar capable of tracking Raptor from 200km. And designers of russian APFSDS rounds knew about M1A2SEP and invented a round capable of penetrating it. Note - these developers didnt claimed that. Russian MOD didnt claimed that. NOONE with any credibilty claimed that. Just i with my wishfull thinking... same as you with YOUR wishfull thinking claim about magic M829A3 invulnerability against Relict. Again, based on NOTHING. The developers of DM-63 and M829A3 rounds didnt claimed it.Just because they don't state it on their website? Come on, that doesn't mean that they don't have such numbers at all, but I'm pretty sure if you were a member of a MOD of some nation interested in these rounds, they would give you more exact numbers. [conspiracy-mode]Maybe they even hold back such numbers to not alarm Russian engineers and let them imagine to be safe with their Relic![/conspiracy-mode] No, just kidding.
The developers of Relict ERA claim it work against APFSDS. Officially. They presented patents and basic explanation HOW it work. Every one can look at it - there is nothing impossible there. Whereas APFSDS round desingers should indeed make something impossible to render simply DM-63 round immune to Relict. Please, give me idea why Relict will not work against DM-63 and M829A3 if it work against M829A1 (or do you insist what NII Stali lie and Relict do not work even against such old rounds?).
It is not easy task to manufacture such round, especially given price limits. But simulating such round + - is quite easy. For example - powder and gun. It is a big challenge to produce a gun like L55 and suitable powder for it. But it is very simply to make a gun what will accelerate round to similar speed , if we are not constrained by weight, lenghts and accuracy of the gun. Even 3rd would country will manage it. The same situation is with rounds itself.That's just your guessing.
And just as I said, a KE arrow is NOT simply a piece of metal with a certain shape, weight and speed. It is not made out of mono-metal from tip to toe. There are different types of Metal in the tip of the round than in the center or in the end. And the outer layers are again a different type of metal than the inner core of the arrow. Each of these different components has very specialized characteristics and was choosen carefully for a special task. For example the first 15 cm of the round might be specially designed to beat Relic.
You talk as if it would be the easiest task of the world to create a APFSDS round and that every retarted "douchebag" could do that in passing in his lunchtime or so. Than I ask you why the developers of Rheinmetall needed about 30 years from the first 120mm KE round till the today's DM63? Because it was such an easy task?
Yes, i claim it. Exactly. Now, when Relict is fielded, West surery can reproduce it at least for testing purposes. But 1st, M829A3 was created before Relict, so no testing here. 2nd, aquiring Relict will not help much APFSDS round developers to defeat it - they would need to radically change APFSDS round design for that. Like proposed small precursor warhead similar to tandem HEAT warhead, or long (1+m) tip what will pre-initate ERA, or 2 APFSDS rounds closely behind each other striking the same place...On the other hand you claim that Western engineers are unable to reproduce something like Relic, because the way Relic works is so incredibly new, secretive and unknown that it is a thing of sheer impossibility for Western engineers to know?
That argumentation skates on this ice, if you ask me.
NOT just simply 15% increase in lenghts , 15% decrease in width, and 5% increase in hardness. That will not help against ERA - only against passive armor...