Well-Known Member
FSC was cancelled, but then again the S2C2 project has taken its place - work is still progressing on frigate replacements, it's just that they'll be in service later than FSC was envisaged.
I wouldn't mind seeing it.I also have a recent article that indicates the UK is again at the moment showing increased concern about the Falklands.
I can post it if anyone would like.
I feel the same as overlander. I can't believe that the Sun would be the only newspaper in the world to have access to such an important decision or that there would be no announcement from Government, Defence or the RN.according to the Sun newspaper the CVFs have been approved,,2-2007180541,00.html it may not be the most accurate of pieces
4. Agreed (& all the preceding points), but Type 45 is not yet in service....
4.The current French escort fleet does not match the UK’s in quality (particulary when the T45’s come on line 4, 6 or 8) The 13 remaing Duke class frigates, taking in to consideration ongoing upgrade programmes, still offers a very good platform for general duties.
5. Plus our submarines have a land-attack capability, which the French don't have (unless they go nuclear)
Overlander – A couple of comments:
1.Labour will most likely lose the next election, and I seriously believe the Conservatives will improve the Navy’s lot.
What makes you think that? why won't they just continue with cuts to enable the tax cuts they will be promising, have they come out and said they will expand the navy? just think back to before the Falklands Nott was about to scrap all Navy fixed wing capability, also look what they did to the Upholders.
What will happen is that there would be another defense review and do you seriously think that will end up with more money for the Navy? Nope it will be more of the same the general public doesn't care enough about defense for them to increase the budget.
The best that we can hope for is that either labour or the tories spend enough to keep the manafacturing abliity here
Yes, france currently has more platforms, but how capable are those platforms compared to the fewer british platforms?to compare the number of escorts in France and Britain, in 1997 France had 36 escorts and Britain 35, in 2007 and after the planned cuts after the summer France will have 35 escorts and Britain only 19, what i want to say is to demonstrate the terrible cuts that r.n. is suffering
Agreed.Dave H said "2020. Two carriers = 70 F35, ASW MERLIN, ASaC Sea King plus networked UAV. Add 3 Type 45's, 6 Type 23 and 4 Astutes and you have a massively more powerful task force than the 1982 era Falklands task force"
To a point I agree. But factor in 1982 surface vessel attrition rates and you have a completely different picture. That is where the number of available platforms will always be an important issue. As many more qualified people than me have said on this and other websites, the Navy needs more ships to maintain critical mass. The RAF with say 400 super high tech airframes can lose 20 and not be materially effected. A Navy with say 20 major surface combatants could not afford to loose 5 of them any more. The future bad guy no matter who he is, has moved on with new weapons the same way that we have and there is no reason to assume that previous attrition rates will not be attained again.
Thank God, at last a voice of reason. Why this constant comparison of bare hull numbers with the French? They have different requirements than the RN, all those overseas territories still to patrol and the consequent need for large patrol corvettes (which the media insists on calling frigates and counting as 'major surface combatents' even though they are nothing of the sort).Overlander,
I dont care how many ships the French Navy has, its not an issue.
finally some who doesn't think the RN is going to hell in a hand cart [on a slightly unrelated note an officer on illustrious said that when the carriers and the JSFs appear there are going to be more RN squadrons and a slight reduction of RAF squadron's] disclamer: it was off record and i can't remember his role on ship.Thank God, at last a voice of reason. Why this constant comparison of bare hull numbers with the French? They have different requirements than the RN, all those overseas territories still to patrol and the consequent need for large patrol corvettes (which the media insists on calling frigates and counting as 'major surface combatents' even though they are nothing of the sort).
France's territorial obligations, their force protection doctrine with regards to large warships and their large Med coastline make their requirements different from the RNs (take a look at their SSNs).
Not better, not worse. Just different and for justifiable reasons.
If anyone is obsessed by the French navy, can I suggest they read the French media, where discussions on large navy cuts are nearly as frequent as those in the UK, expect changes once the current presidential campaign is over.