Originally Posted by merocaine
by the way where have allies turned on each other? Iranian propaganda has managed to unite the EU on the issue, rather than be divisive, and America is fully supportive. [/url]
That comment sounds great and means nothing. Britain went to the UN, got nothing. Britain went to the EU, and btw, got nothing. Unity to do nothing might be unity, but in the end you are still left with nothing. I would be careful to celebrate international unity, because the achievement of diplomatic unity has accomplished nothing for Britain so far except provided more prolonged humiliation
First I'm confused by what you think they asked for? I believe they asked for diplomatic support, which they got.
The British got a strongly worded statement condeming the Iranian action and demanding the release of the British Seamen and Marines, there the was no difference between the possition of that of the US and the EU.
Iranian propaganda did not cause any divisivness between Britian and her allies. In the long run this kind of action only undermines the Iranian neuclear position, taint by assosiation (althought Britian has avoided any linkage in the issue to date, although once the troops are released, it is unavoidable that this event will influence nuclear negotiations between the EU 3 and Iran).
The British goverment is the party which has consistenly chosen to deescalate the situation. I understand your anger, but as to it direction I'm a little confused. The British goverment has handled this well as far as I can see, they seeked diplomatic support from there allies and got it unreservedly, they have realised that they are dealing with a regime that is at odds with itself and have not let the issue derail other dealings with Iran.
Once the troops are back they will, I'm sure they will reevaluate there relationship with Iran.
however at the end of the day, the rest of the world is watching 500+ years of British reputation flushed down the toilet, and to no ones surprise (except maybe a few Brit's) the vast majority of the world isn't sad about it at all. Count me proudly among the minority that is sad to see it. Have you actualy weighed the cost of the "cheap propaganda," have you even considered it possible that on the cheap your country is being exposed as a paper tiger?
I think your over dramatising the issue, Britian is'ent a Great imperial power anymore, I think the world is well aware of this fact, the days of punitive expeditions to rescue Britians honour are over. Now they must do as the rest of the world does, negotiate. (unless its some failed state)
The article clearly blames America for Iran's hostage taking actions, and washes the responsibility away from Iran. Perhaps I am misreading it, but clearly merocaine didn't, because he is confident America is responsable as well, in his words as 'blowback.'
I think you are misreading the ariticle, and misrepresenting me.
I believe that American actions have an effect on Britian, and as the weaker state I believe that the British are vunrable to Iranian counter action, and yes I do believe the British are suffering 'Blowback' from American actions in Iraq (among other things). Britian does not exist in a bubble, there actions and those of there allies do have real world reprocussions.
But I did'ent blame the American goverment for the abduction of the British troops, that, clearly, was not what I said. I dont need a rag like the indo to form my opinions, give me some credit.
BTW does the Geneva convention apply if the two states are not at war?:unknown
Perception is not reality, I work in advertising and I can tell you that is not the case.....If Iran continues to pull stunts like this they will run up against cold hard reality, sooner rather than late.
I'm not British, Irish through and through!