Have you read anything about this incident?
There is one FFG (HMS Conrwall) in a deep water way near the border to Iran.
It acts as mothership for zodiacs and Helicopters.
One helicopter spotted the target vessel and some zodiacs closed in to search it.
After they began their operation they sended the "ok" and the helicopter went on with its patrol.
Now some Iranian FACs break free from the shore and surround the brits in the zodiacs.
Half of the brits are royal marines with only small arms.
The FACs have at least HMGs.
So what do you do? Fight with glory till death without achieving even one small kill because your zodiac (And yourself) is perforated within milliseconds?
Or aks for the HMS cornwall to open fire with its 114mm gun? This would be as dangerous for you as for them.
Than the FACs and the zodiacs went back to the coast in a tight formation.
What would be your solution? Call in a Hornet (If one aircraft was available) and blow the group out of the water? Nice rescue operation.
For sure the coalition could blow the whole Iranian navy out of the water with ease but this says nothing about this special situation.
@Dae Joyoung
You are aware of the amount of money we make with the UK and the US?
Just try and compare it to what we make with Iran. Or just try to look what percentage of our export (And we are Nr1 in that) goes to Iran...