An example of what a diversionary landing could go (An insertion
The PLA regimental commander is on his way towards the beach. He is aware that the Taiwanese knows he is on his way as both his motherships, but also the 16 Type 68 transporting his 2000 troops and some equipment will be spotted well in advance. Any of the squad-sized teams dotting the coast will be reporting his doings the final 20 km journey. This will take a little more than an hour before he hits the beach.
As the PLA commander predicted, the Taiwanese squads report their observation to the command which decides to put two AH-1W and one OH-58D on standby. At the same time 3 inf coys are notified to prepare to take up blocking positions when the landing zone is reliably predicted. A section of MLRS is put on notice. (The Taiwanese seems to have gone big on MLRS.)
When the Type 68's are 10 km out, they still have more than ½ an hour to go. But the attack helos and the infantry deploy to the area, with the helos masking themselves in the terrain 2 km from the shoreline.
As the Type 68's get within 4-5 km of the shore, the infantry move into their blocking positions 1-3 km inland. The constraining terrain favours this approach. The three helos reveal themselves. They carry 20 AGM-114K Hellfire II, with a 9 Kg tandem HEAT
and fragmentation warhead. It has a range of 9 km.
There are many ways to distribute the 20 missiles on the 20 targets, but say 2 are fired at 10 of the Type 68 each.
This will have these effects:
- Make casualties of most of the people on board.
- Probably disable the Type 68.
- Maybe sink it.
A mission kill for certain.
If anyone is unhappy with these numbers, then replace the OH-58D with two AH-1W and there will be 32 Hellfires available. It will only represent 3-4% of the Taiwanese attack helo fleet anyway.
The PLA commander is now down to 6 Type 68 and ~750 troops.
He continues towards the beach with the remains of his regiment. As he is within a few hundred meters of the beach, the Taiwanese observation squad(s) decide to call in the MLRS, which will take out the entire grid of the shoreface the landing is taking place in. It only has to be a crude assessment of time and place for that to happen.
80% casualty rates plus the rest of the Type 68's ?
The Taiwanese infantry then move in with supporting arty to mop up the remaining 150 PLA troops.
End of a heroic assault.
There two layers in this example. The attack helos
or the MLRS alone will be showstoppers.
And there are additional layers to these.
Notice how little, relatively light and mobile infantry was used for this?