Well... as far as i know the main reason for that was that the commanders were able to see, recognize, distinguish and command their troops on the battlefield.Its reason why the old style dudes dressed in bright colors and wore tall hats.
There are more important things than how much you feel when you die, i'd say. I'd rather die a gruesome death in close combat if i had the chance to defend myself and win this fight instead of being a helpless victim of a air strike or sniper, even if that might mean to die with less or without pain.How you would like to die is up to you, its how you want to kill thats the question, if you had a choice, would rather be in a gun fight or a knife fight?
Call me a coward but i would like to be out of range of the death gurgle, I would'ent like to remember that.
(As to how I would like to die if I was in a battle, the snipiers bullet would'ent be to bad, or being blown to atoms, would you even feel it?
Being hacked to death in the mud, not so cool when you think about it.)
It has not much to do with being a coward or heroic, but it has something to do with dignity. I'd rather die as a warrior than as somebody's prey or a piece of cattle, if you know what i mean.
And maybe it wouldn't be so bad if every soldier would have to deal with the images and sounds of his enemy dieing instead of just pushing a button like in a computer game.