It would certainly take a long time to re-establish the submarine arm if it is needed in the future. Australia found this out when it had to wait more than thirty years between the winding up of their submarine force in 1931 and buying their Oberon class boats in the late 1960s. Even in WW2, when submarines would have been invaluable against Japan, Australia had to depend on allied submarines operating out of Fremantle and Brisbane. Amongst these were a number of Dutch subs!
I also think that SSKs have a role to play in securing Dutch interests in the Caribbean.
Hello everyone
Iam dutch
And iam living next to an naval airbase and two naval and air factory's where the test and build new planes and ships.
Recently the dutch goverment did buy 4 new LCF Frigates and 3 new class submarines (don't know the type) my uncle is senior staf member of a navvy task force, and he said:
The dutch navvy has these puplic known assets:
4 LC Class frigates
Hr. Ms. De Zeven Provinciën (F 802)
Hr. Ms. Tromp (F 803)
Hr. Ms. De Ruyter (F 804)
Hr. Ms. Evertsen (F 805)
fully upgraded and missle capable and anti-submarine support with a fully anti missle/air systems)
4 LCF Frigates will be added in the summer of 2007 2 allready in action.
7 M Frigates
Hr. Ms. Karel Doorman (F 827)
Hr. Ms. Willem van der Zaan (F 829)
MARDET. Tjerk Hiddes (F 830)
Hr. Ms. Van Amstel (F 831)
Hr. Ms. Van Nes (F 833)
Hr. Ms. Van Galen (F 834)
Hr. Ms. Van Speijk (F 828)
They are upgrading them now to fully operational fast respond war ships.
and this are the puplic known 4 Walrus class submarines:
Hr.Ms. Walrus
Hr.Ms. Zeeleeuw
Hr.Ms. Dolfijn
Hr.Ms. Bruinvis
And again NOT KNOWN only if you are dutch and living next to the place where they beeing built and has input from inside.
3 new class attack submarines are being build right now they will be a part of the dutch "extra assets"
The dutch do have a navvy perhaps not the best but it is a navvy.
The 130 know F16 fighters we have are not the maximum because we do have a few planes left at airbase Middelharnis and airbase Swifterband the are still a large force of planes stationed.
Middelharnis has 40 not known F 16D2A Figters with harpoons and 3 other type's of planes don't know the type.
And Swifterband is a airbase that is home to a 25 F14's (Not dutch but in use of the dutch and can be used anytime.
33 special custom build not known F 16's with asm,harpoon and precision bombing options.
And than we have more helicopters than we probably can use hahaha.
The build more than 60 helicopters (variouse types but most the built version would be the famous apache chopper)
And then at last......
The dutch navvy and airforce are beeing cut down by getting less money.
Thats what everyone knows, but in fact there is a major rebuild up and upgrading program running and it will be finished this year.
The two chopper carriers will also soon be operational we use now 2 chopper carriers from a nother nation to practice and getting used to the new type of ship.
I know the dutch has a very tiny army, but if venezuala try's to attack or worse the will be bomb back to the stone age faster than they can look.
The reason that the dutch cutting costs is a simple action the are just rebuilding and upgrading the entire army and it cost a huge amount of money, the dutch goverment spend the last 15 years to build up a huge amount of money to be capable to do this.
So it was planned long time ago.
And there is one more thing the dutch has also 8 more big/medium warships
but they are in use of the belguim navvy for drug patrolling and practice.
There are also 6 meduim frigates in use of the france navvy for extra protection by missions and ecorting tasks.
And in the naval base Den Helder, Ijmuiden there are alwayse a few ships that are dutch but not listed in the puplic records.
The dutch try to maintain a small mobile yet powerfull force that is strong enough to do the job.
And real war stuff?
Like battleships and B52/Stealth bombers?
That is not the dutch style they are not seeking total power but a blanced way of action protection and defence, because in the militairy the teach us that not the big bombs and guns count but the person how is smart and fast,
They claim to put up a strong force in about 14 hours every where on the planet so fast in fast out.
There is no need for big guns otherwise we wil call bush

nfloorl: hahahaha
Like nukes or biobombs?
The dutch do have a few nukes ( small tactical nukes) but the will never use it)
And bioshit? we have a research complex called TNO and TUV there the testing the most killing virusses and biothings you only see in your nightmare, but the only make pills and injections to cure people when a virus is active or when a fool uses biobombs lets hope this never happen right?
But my quistion is what do you think of the dutch navvy in generalview?
Iam suprised that so mutch is known to the outside world, but still so less.
Here they tell us this and overthere in the us or china they tell something differend.
Anyway i hope my info is usefull.
Greetz Nico