I thought the review was due to be submitted to Cabinet early this year.Anyone have any news on the Army Organisation Report?
From memory there was review of how the Army is structured, looking at options such as the new Australian Army structure etc..
Be interested in any news.
The minister has said that 1 RNZIR is now operating as a cavalry unit and is developing doctrine based on what's in use in Australia.
Variants on size and quantity of various Army units have been put to Cabinet a number of times. A discussion on some of the options was incorporated in to the F-16 lease review. I've pasted it below.
The RNZAF's air combat capability was again considered as part of the DA97 exercise. At that time, six options were developed by identifying essential and variable NZDF force structure elements. The variables were:
* the size of the naval combat force, with variations based on two, three and four frigates;
* the continuation or elimination of the air combat capability;
* the number and size of the regular force infantry battalions; and
* some variation in the size of the airlift and utility helicopter fleet.
These may be better considered as follows:
Option A
Naval Combat Force 4 frigates
Air Combat Force Retained
Infantry Battalions 2 with 4 rifle coys
Option C1
Naval Combat Force 3 frigates
Air Combat Force Eliminated
Infantry Battalions 2 with 3 rifle coys
Option C2
Naval Combat Force 2 frigates
Air Combat Force Retained
Infantry Battalions 2 with 3 rifle coys
Option C3
Naval Combat Force 2 frigates
Air Combat Force Eliminated
Infantry Battalions 3 with 3 rifle coys - deployable brigade
Option C4
Naval Combat Force 3 frigates
Air Combat Force Retained
Infantry Battalions 2 with 3 rifle coys
Option D
Naval Combat Force 2 frigates
Air Combat Force Eliminated
Infantry Battalions 2 with 3 rifle coys
In the event, Cabinet chose a mix, effectively C4 plus four rifle companies in each of two battalions. This result was hardly surprising as options C1, C2, C3 and D did not support present policy "within which we have been required to carry out this Assessment" (DA97).
I don't think the current review will have too many surprises. It will probably endorse the idea of having two motorised infantry groups operating in a cavalry role (1 RNZIR and QAMR) and a light group (2/1 RNZIR). The interesting part will be what it says about logistics, artillery and engineers.