I was in the NZ army,as a NZLAV crewman and prior to that M113.
I was posted from QA sqn in 04 to 1RNZIR (QA was being disbanded in those days),once I realised the way NZLAV was to be used and being under command of an infantry battalion. I promptly handed in my release, as did quite a few other experianced operators.
It makes me laugh when I hear about 1RNZIR re roled as cav! As most crews are infantry converts.
Also there are around 25-30 NZLAVs parked up on blocks as there are no crews!
QA has had no live ammo this year for training! There was only enough ammo in the country to conduct a lav gunners course, I hope there was war reserves!
As for structure, well there is'nt any really, the worst thing the army did was post guys to 1RNZIR, if they had of just converted QASQN to lav they would still have close to two fully trained and experianced sqns.
I still keep in touch with a few guys who are still in QAMR and morale ain't high.