Even if China was able to feed itself that doesn't mean it would "want to". It makes far more sense to import certain foods, most of all grain. The watershed is China's weak link in its food production chain, not so much arable land or lack of food production resources. Further, a policy of self sufficiency in food production would put great strain on the entire Chinese economy.
In the first quarter of 2006 China doubled its oil imports compared to the 1st quarter of 2005. This continues a recent trend and its projected oil imports will be 60% of its domestic consumption by 2020.
70% of which will have to pass thru the Strait of Malacca.
http://en.ce.cn/subject/EnergyCrisis/ECcomment/200605/31/t20060531_7166144.shtml And that's just oil. China's economic boom is eating up all kinds of resources, many of which it has to import from the sea.
No matter how you cut it, at least for the objective analyst, China is heavily dependant on maritime trade and that is their weak link in time of conflict. Most of all if the conflict involves the USN. Hell they know it better then we do. Just look at the resources they have put into the blue water PLAN? And the entire situation is made worse for them by the sad state of their available strategic oil reserves. America can fight two wars for 6 months ; The Chinese started a program in 2005 that would give them the reserve to fight for 3 months, "tho I honestly dont know where its at now". Oops, here we go. They just started filling it.
So it shouldn't be assumed one of our CVs would go chugging up to China's strengths to challenge them. We can assume they can control the water and air near their shores, for instance the strait of Taiwan. For that type of mission we would send aircraft or SSNs, most of all to mine their harbors and hit their airfields, staging points, and leadership targets.
While China has made great gains in their navy they dont now, and wont in the near future, have the ability to defeat a sea embargo enforced by the USN. They would find the overall economic penalty of offensive military action to be distasteful to say the least. The whole scenario would set them back years, or even decades.
I agree with the assessment regarding nuclear weapons but not with the opinion of who might use them. The USN is capable of strangling China's economy, indeed the Chinese know it, which is why they launch missiles over Taiwan instead of at them. If this conflict actually happened the pride filled Chinese communist leadership might become irrational about the Loss of face and it might cause a limited nuclear strike against Taiwan.
Is there cause for hope? Maybe! The younger members of China's communist party have a lot of technocrats and Intelligentsia educated in foreign universities, and frankly, they have done a remarkable job modernizing this country. Hopefully they will be rational about this situation and not underestimate Yank support for a Democratic/Free Taiwan. Lets also hope they dont underestimate the capability of the USN, which is a Pacific navy more then anything. For our part we cant underestimate the emotion the Chinese feel for Taiwan. They aren't entirely rational about it.
If Golden Panda replies, and I like hearing views of other countries, hopefully he can deliver more then emotional one or two liners that have no facts in them, and no supportive evidence. If I can spend 1/2 hour researching a post before I send it then so can he.