Right now Chavez is following a pattern of South American strongmen thru recent history. You could call him an elected leader but the truth is he has led coup attempts, has feared coup attempts, "Democracy" is relative in Valenzuela. Right now he is taking the minds of his people off their many social and economic problems with his confrontational stance against the US. New oil will lead him to piss much of his nations wealth off on weapons systems they dont need. Soon thereafter he will start some kind of military adventure or Diplomatic crisis. Chavez, Noriega, Peron, Videla, Pinochet, Fujimorri, Castro, Galtieri....ect, "and I can go on". No matter what the ideology, or what the alliances, they were all much the same. All were, or are, military strongmen who eventually used the military to oppress their own people and/or launch military adventures.
The two who come to mind most would be the Argentine junta with the Falklands and Castro with his various Africa adventures. And now we have Hugo Chaves who has decided he is the only man who can save the world from the American people, who are hell bent on conquering and enslaving the entire galaxy.

There is a word in Spanish called "Caudillo" and to understand what produces characters like Chavez you have to understand caudillismo. Not just that but you have to understand its impact in Latin culture, both current and historical. Loosely translated a "caudillo" is a "strongman" or "military cheif or Dictator". "Caudillismo" is a cultural phenomon that grew out of 19'th century revolutionary South America. Its actual roots came from the days of Spanish Empire when the Spanish had a policy of supplementing small cadres of professional, full-time soldiers with large militia forces recruited from local populations to maintain public order. This was a prestigious position, and a lucrative one, because the Caudillo answered to no one but the Crown and could acquire wealth anyway he wanted.
A "caudillo" could be better described as a "charismatic militia leader" and they have come from many social classes and idiologies. "Most" have probably been wealthy landowners but all of them have controlled large patronage armies they used as vehicles to power. You could compare Roman Empire society to caudillism. For instance Julias Caesar could be called a "caudillo".
So like his friend Castro, Chavez is exactly the type of Caudillo that has flourished in this region thru recent history. Since gaining power he has quashed dissent, weakened the Unions, acquired Dictatorial powers, wrecked the economy, and embraced the likes of Fidel, Saddam, Qadaffi, Ahmadinejad, and various other oppressive Governments and Dictators.
So next on the list, following the historical model of caudillistic delusions of grandeur, will be military adventurism. Chavez has made no secret that he wants to re-write the constitution and run for President again in 2012, "he already changed the terms from 5 years to 6", and there's nothing like a military success for popularity. I will add that in his Government he holds all the power regarding military decisions and spending. Like I said, a "typical" caudillo. And for a caudillo retirement or leaving office is not an option.
SSKs are offensive weapons of war. My assessment is this guy is capable of doing something really goofy.