Man, again, russian submarines claim doing the very same regarding USA bases. And???? What should that prove???
That they were good at their job?
P.S. No side would even ATTEMPT to hurt anything outside its territorial waters. Thats it, 20 km from the coast.
Rubbish. 1 example. All 5 soviet sub drivers explicitly stated that they had orders to fire and engage without direction during the cuban crisis. All 5 of the subs had one nuclear torpedo each. All 5 admitted that they were unsure of the outcome and would have loosed if no options were left. Conversely all ASW groups tasked to follow those subs (which they tracked from their bases) were given permission to sink those subs if they deemed they about to perform a hostile act. That wasn't unsual. Are you suggesting that the then Soviet Northern Fleet commander lied to Polmar just to give a good story?
Example 2. In 1988 a Soviet sub that was caught up near the great australian bight and was deemed a threat was in no uncertain terms advised to shift or be a target for a RAAF Orion.
Example 3. 20km? What about the swedes? (within 5km of their coast)
Example 4. Ever counted how many USAAF, USAF and USN comms aircraft were shot down by the Soviets, Chinese and North Koreans? Some 30+ aircraft were shot down since the end of WW2 to 1989. Geez, you don;t even know what your own side did and you want to argue about submarine incidents?

P.P.S. The recent incedent about chinese sub appearence near US carrier... or Iranian UAV overflying US carrier... what these incedents should prove in peace time? Well, exactly NOTHING!
Is there a cold war on now?

nfloorl: Was the Soviet Union ever in an incestuous capital relationship with the US like China is?
Is Iran a clear and present threat via a UAV that can't carry anything heavier than an exenon bulbed miners search light?
whats the relevance of the two above examples. Nothing. Nada, Zip.
If you think that the cold war was never active and latently hot (esp at the maritime level) then you are seriously delusional.