you all speak as if it is a jungle we are living in...try and think about the consequences for a minute, do you really think the world would be a better place if Israel pulls such an idiotic stunt? the attack on Osirak in Iraq and the political situation at that time, and the one today is totally different from now, the player is totally differrent. Israel and the west have everything to lose, the iranian regime has nothing. Having nukes or not, that doesn't allow anyone to just go and bomb another, would this have been you oppinion if Iran or an arabic country at that time had bombed Dimona nuce plant in Israel, mind you with nukes? at least do not have a double standard! I am sure some of you will probably say that the Iranian president has threatened Israel with destruction, now this is totally political propaganda in which he hopes to find some cheap support in the muslim/arabic world by trying to woo popular view, because his regime is under so much pressure. The other thing is that people tend to forget that Israel is the only nuclear power in the whole region! and for a country of barely 6 mio people having +200 nukes and plenty of other WMD, and have previously threatened to use them against its neighbours, even the ones whom they signed peace treaties with, is by my oppinion something to worry about, anyway some of your enthusiasm to protect little Israel will most likely be felt just outside our home doors here in the west if Israel goes on with this stunt, as the middle east and the muslim and arab world would be on fire, and since someone has to pay for this guess who that someone will be?Out of all the opinions that has been written on this thread, a big congrats needs to be forwarded to you for thinking the best possible solution for Israel if they decide to go about it with aircraft.![]()
Disclaimer: (this is necessary today or else I will be accused of this and that)
I do not support or in any way like the iranian or any other middle eastern regime, this is totally viewed from a "action-reaction" point of view, and I do not accept anykind of idiotic acts of aggression from any part what so ever.