New Member
Please., Big-E not everyone is a terrorist., I like Islamic law, I'm muslim that makes me terrorist.,?!?! US and others spred alot of propaganda they be-hiding behind this and that I just don't but it at all. They have said time and again they dont like OBL., they never wanted to accept him onces he left SA., the facts right their but it's you who have to decide who to listen to., and remember lke pakistan govt., not every govt speaks the truth., take mossad "war by deception"., this is what piss'in me off about western mentality, if you don't like us leave us alone., and go somewhere else it's that simple., US just said they will maintain a long presence in the ME., Govt., their we all know are puppets but you think the people their like it NO!!! US supported Saddam a tyrant I have videos of Donalds Rumsfield meeting him., and when he didn't long fit US plans they trash him like Osama. Heck., their are Somali's living in Chicago I know and they went to Somalia a year ago., and liked the ICU and things that they are doing which decreased internal fightings., etc, now they are cursing the US and Ethopia for disturbing the peace their, you can choose to listen to who ever you want., BBC did a reporting their and they were surpirsed at the stability that ICU had bought and praised them.Better them than the ICU. The ICU will just breed a new training ground for Al-Qaeda, it must be whiped out.
I stand by the ICU cause they brought stability., and prosecuted corrupt warlords, this war is being fought cause US., and Co. doesn't want islamic govt. (again it's not people whos deciding what they want it's westerners)., same in Iraq I have Blogs of people their writing that they rather have Saddam back sine he had lids on everything.,