According to TNI-AL’s (Indonesian navy) blue print, until 2024 (must wait 18s years) their striking force will consist of 10s submarines, 16s FFGs, 40s corvettes, 26s FAC, 12s fast torpedo boats and 6 MCM. Meanwhile the patrolling force will be built up to 66s PCs. Details can be found in this link, unfortunately it is only available on Bahasa Indonesia.
Personally I am also skeptical abt it. The numbers are still to be debatable. How can it be afforded by its economic but hopefully all will keep on the track. As aside, the airforce has not unveiled its blue print, and without the air supremacy all of these fancy ship will be a sitting duck. Again, honestly I am doubt if Indonesia can develop its air force in balance of the navy’s posture as projected in the navy’s blue print above. Another concerns that must be addressed are how to building a synergy of each others if all that weapons available, keep them all serviceable and mastering in the capabilities.
Abt FFGs, if I am not mistaken, the fleet currently only remain 1 obsolete Van Speijk operable with her Harpoon has expired and 1 Ki Hajar Dewantara Class which is also serves as training ship. 3s Tribal class & 4s Cloud Jones was long time ago decommissioned. So it makes in sense if they want to add some more FFGs if not brand new, the second hand also will helpfull. Even if someday Indonesian navy has a power as projected in its blue print, still that is make sense to mention the huge area of this country that must be defended.
As reported Indonesian navy will booster its capability to green water navy posture. A green water navy as designed is not only to deal such as illegal fishing, smuggling, illicit drug/ trafficking or combating terrorism role as all can be deal enough by brown water navies sizes. Commonly, inheren with the growth of economic, almost nations likely will spend more money on their defence forces, so the same thing with Indonesia.
Conte, I don’t have any information abt so-called National Corvette. As I have read is, they haven’t even complete the 1st hull. Maybe Falcon_snack can help.
Sad, some dumb politician and generals prefer to buy the toys from overseas i/o fr local industry. Recently PT. PAL has released new pic of this corvette. Very different with the previous one. From the artist impression’s pic, she has RCS shapes, arming with Oto 76/62 SR and Albatross SAM, also looks like have possible another option, can be installed with VLS SAM.Yeah…, the corvette still looks like Commandati. I dunno how to post pics into this forum, but may you can find it in this link. (hope the pic has not been removed by Indonesian navy admin forum )
or simply you can check it out in PT. PAL website