well here is an update of the indian navy's additions over the next 10 years .
according to the indian naval chief sureesh mehta ,india would be commissioning 8 more destroyers ,8 more frigates,6 submarines,12 corvettes and 1 aircraft carrier ,in the years to come.
i believe these will be in the following order from 2010-2015:
8 p15a stealth missile destroyers(multirole).
5 p17a stealth frigates and 3 additional project1135.6 krivack class of stealth frigates(multirole).
12 indigenously designed p28 class of stealth corvettes(multirole but with greater emphasis on anti submarine warfare).
6 scorpene submarines
1 admiral gorshkov (aircraft carrier).
these are capital ships .
indian navy would also be commissioning a number of secondary warships:
1 austin class of amphibious vessel (the uss trenton).
8 mine counter measure vessels (most probably based on the italian or us design).
2 super dvora mark2 fast attack gun crafts.
3 landing ship tanks large(already launched).
of these currently 1 destroyer,3 frigates,1 corvette and 3 lst(l) are already in construction(i havent included the indigenous aircraft carrier and nuclear attack submarine ,since i do not expect them to be operational by 2010).
indians are also researching on foil based catamarans(the foilcat2000) and surface effect ships and uuv's(prototypes of all three have been tested).
added to these indian navy would be acquiring 6 sikorsky helicopters for the trenton,upto 16 surveillance helicopters (as a replacement for the sea kings),8 maritime patrol aircrafts(i personally believe that boeing p8i will be selected),upto 40 mig29k's,advanced light heliciopter dhruvs,and advanced jet trainers (indian navy is interested in the t45 goshawk) and the indian navy is also expected atleast 3 more squadron of uav's (most probably the herons).
added to this the indian coast guard would be inducting 2 sankalp class of extra large patrol vessels,and 3 pollution control vessels.
i believe these new additions along with the existing naval vessels would considerably enhance the security of the indian ocean region.
besides these 30 more warships are awaiting approval (provisional approval has been granted by the governement ,but final approval is still awaited) as part of the second tier of upgradation.