I dont beleive crewing to be an issue. Every year there are more and more applicants, a trend which I seriously doubt will change anytime soon. Loosing one of our older vessels is not a problem and wont seriously effect commitments, not sure about its effect on surface ASW capability, but I dont see the 'possible' purchase of the Russkie subs a threat. a)their Russian, b)their owned and operated by indonesia... go figure
Boomer, mate I think your about 15 years behind with your info on our armed forces. Dont mean it in a bad way
Sorry there mate, it is not that I am 15 years in the past but you are in the 15 year idealistic-to be canceled due to budgetary constraint future. Today their are 6 ANZAC and Three Adelaide ready for service and two more ANZAC and one or two Adelaide that can be made ready. That is the reality.
There are volumes of books, internet postings, studies, huge reams of paper, about the future Aussie fleet that will be a significant upgrade and better suited for the current needs but as history has proven the AUSSie's are good at talking about the awesome future vapor fleet that goes poof when the time comes to pay for it.
I had high hopes of Six Adelaide and 8 ANZAC and hopefully another four Air Defense Ship [Hopefully not another HORIZON vapor wear ship where France/Italy/Germany/Britain had theirs go poof and nothing but a bit of vapor seen, and have no Aegis but Spain/Japan/ROK do! so what did they do right, I suspect they talked less and just DID!).
The Sydney/Melbourne were a great ships, even caused the KIWI's to make all air assets Melbourne compatible with all their A-4's with tailhook.
The vapor fleet was the Invincible, though real enough and useful to us English Speaking people and making the world safe for democracy was a vapor POOF ship the the AUSSie's as that labor government was happy to sieze those defense funds allocated for the purchase of this ship and use it for the WELFARE FOR VOTES PRGRAM and though the older Hermes offered instead the AUSSie's saying the money was better spent on summer holiday getting a tan at the beach.
The KANIMBLA's were an honest attempt but they copied us Americans by deciding to pay FIVE times as much as originally thought it would be by paying more to convert 20 year old ships that would have less capability than the same one new American or Brit or Dutch Amphib that would be good for 30 years instead of just 10.
I fear that to defeat future foes the AUSSie's will have to load their cannon with all those studies, budget forcasts, engineering packages, enviromental studies, union kickbacks payoff records, etc and fire a broadside of paper and opinion at their advesary and hope they die laughing.
The fleet you speak of will not ever occur, and even if it did would need another 10 surface combatants, another half dozen submarines, a squadron of F-35's, Twenty more long range air maritime assets, another two amphib ships, a brigade of naval infantry, and more before I would think they could challenge an overly aggressive neighbor, and if that neighbor was China would also require signifcant Air Assett upgrades with the air force.
TAKE CARE MY AUSSie friends, you can call me slow but don't call me stupid as it appears this is an AUSSie freinds of their military site and to be critical of the AUSSie' is not healthy here.