Is it my turn for a rebutle yet? No...well i'll do one anyway
Ok, first up, NO NO NO NO. and perhaps, but no
First up, lets start with this site for your research
It has a few good points, such as the current upgrades for the Adelaide to extend its lifespan to meet the replacements, 3 AWD plus the possibility of a fourth.
Our LPAs were, an honest rip off, theres no denying that, what i will deny is that they are shite, since repairs and mods the Kanimbla and Manoora have become the most worked ships in the fleet, going from timor Sea to Gulf, they have served well and will be missed.
When i say they will be missed it is because there is to be a replacement of the Kanimbla, Manoora and Tobruk, with two LHD, with the tenders offering the French Mistral and Navantia offering the BPE, either will become a stable of the RAN and will work till the day its replaced.
the the AUSSie's as that labor government was happy to sieze those defense funds allocated for the purchase of this ship and use it for the WELFARE FOR VOTES PRGRAM and though the older Hermes offered instead the AUSSie's saying the money was better spent on summer holiday getting a tan at the beach.
Heres your mistake, see, a Liberal Government is currently in charge( iknow, the rules) and they have begun the largest spending in defence ever seen in peacetime(or war, depending on ur point of view). Billions is thrown at purchasing C-17s, AWDs, Abrahms and alike, its like chrismas and the little boy who missed out for years gets it all at once

and whats more, they are still writing checks for whatever the Air Marshal asks for...good ol Angus
You criticise our Countries buying priorities but i must ask,have the USN not cut their spending on the Littorals and their orders, and the San antonios, And don't get me started on the Nuke Submarines. The british have done the same for their type 45s, cutting the order, and the CVF is in trouble, hell much of Europe isn't even going out to buy anything.
Our patrol boats are 2nd to none, hell last i heard, your Coast guard was using Vintage ships that belong in a museum( no offence to US and all) We have a capable boat that has proven itself since its test run, when it hauled 4 illegal fishing boats, and that was day 1.
Our Collins class started as a laughing stock, and when in the pacific for an excercise, HMAS Rankin rocked up sounding like a fingernail accross a blackboard, only to dissapear into the sunset, and wipe out its objective without any trouble( see Tv series 'submarines' ABC)
The way i see it, which is pretty narrow mind you

Australia and our kiwi bros are the only ones really expanding their navies in any solid numbers.
he fleet you speak of will not ever occur, and even if it did would need another 10 surface combatants, another half dozen submarines, a squadron of F-35's, Twenty more long range air maritime assets, another two amphib ships, a brigade of naval infantry, and more before I would think they could challenge an overly aggressive neighbor, and if that neighbor was China would also require signifcant Air Assett upgrades with the air force.
We are purchasing the F-35, you do realise that Aus is the only one( and i do mean that) that has stated publicly we have no concerns and will be purchasing them when they are ready to go. $300 million is a bit of mullah, and we didn't put that much in for nothing.
and another thing, are you talking about China or India? Cause well, we are chinas third largest trade partner, and sell alot of raw materials to keep the Chinese economy going, so need for any dispute, plus we love their Honey Chicken:mrgreen:
As for India, HA!, we share a common passion you would not be able to comprehend, the destruction of Flintoff and his merry band of white skinned drunken yobos:drunk1 ...Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!...only 2 more months!
TAKE CARE MY AUSSie friends, you can call me slow but don't call me stupid as it appears this is an AUSSie freinds of their military site and to be critical of the AUSSie' is not healthy here.
Look YANky, this is a site for everyone, from our good mates conte from italy, to todds and toby from US and swerve from motherland and yes there are aussies on here, because we are very proud of our military and like to know whats going on, and the reason that a lot of aussies will reply is because we don't like inaccurate statements, thats the point of a forum, discussions and ideas as well as opinions to be shared, in the hope of correcting any factual errors...