The Bunker Group

Malaysia Inks LOA to Procure Turkish Corvettes for LMS Batch 2 project - Naval News
The Turkish SSB received a letter of acceptance for the Littoral Mission Ship (LMS) Batch 2 Project which will be procured for the Royal Malaysian Navy.

Yesterday, Malaysia officialy ink the LoA as part of procurement of 3 LMS2 base on Turkiye corvette Milgem Ada class. As the article (base on previous Xavier video), shown the basic differences with Ada class is existence of 4 VLS cells. Naval News quite certaint that the each VLS will be quad pack with ROK Haegung VL SAM. However seems some Malaysian online enthusiasts not quite certaint on SAM selection yet. Malaysian defense Marhalim still put question mark on SAM choice yet.
LMS2 will be build all 3 of them by Turkiye yard. Not surprising as LUNAS yard still full on the contract with LCS work (together with Naval Group). Putting the contract with Turkiye yard also shown Malaysia now want more predictable time table.
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