I feel the same.I wonder if the time to make a decision is reflected in the reality of time to manufacture.
I hope not, but the reality is as most have observed over the years /decades ship construction is a complicated endeavour that takes time from the starters gun going off to select a vessel, to the physical reality of the first of class being commissioned.
SEA 3000 is ambitious.
History will judge its success.
For now, however frustrating we can only hope the first ships are delivered to meet our expectations on time and equally we can produce domestically to the same expectations.
I can only share the frustration and anxiety.
it’s an ambitious project on many levels.
It’s our plan B , C and D for the mistakes of the past.
It just has to work and regretfully I’m just not that confident it will.
Cheers S
If something happens to our relationship with Uncle Sam, we are in deep deep water.
Frigates and the Hunters are a long way off, if the Virginas don't happen, we then have to wait for AUKUS subs, which if worst comes to worst, will be auk subs.....