John Fedup
The Bunker Group
Just another confirmation that Trump America is no longer an ally that can be trusted, be it wrt defence or trade.
President Putin made a similar claim to Tucker Carlson in an interview without being asked or providing proof,I was not asking about previous actions of the C.I.A often verified ,I am just asking if you have credible sources to reinforce your statement of the C.I.A in the uprising against the then Ukraine governmentYou mean if can provide them? In Spanish it says Intelligence Services.
Publico is not themirror, my educated guess is that they do their job; you already got something else from the BBC, if you think that they do their job at the BBC.
What I can provide you is an old cable:
"Instructions from General Earle Wheeler (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) to Lieutenant General Bruce Palmer. May 1, 1965.
Your announced mission is to save US lives. Your unannounced mission is to prevent the Dominican Republic from going Communist. The President has stated that he will not allow another Cuba you are to take all necessary measures to accomplish this mission. You will be given sufficient forces to do the job."
Using the CIA seems more subtle and in 60 years you will be able to read the emails about what it's been done today. Haven't you been able to read anything about US interference in Bulgarian elections after the fall of the Berlin Wall? It would make sense for Russia to do exactly the same thing.
Not my statement. Again, you mean if has credible sources?President Putin made a similar claim to Tucker Carlson in an interview without being asked or providing proof,I was not asking about previous actions of the C.I.A often verified ,I am just asking if you have credible sources to reinforce your statement of the C.I.A in the uprising against the then Ukraine government
This article goes into detail some C.I.A involvement in Ukraine which is post 2014![]()
Ukraine’s 2014 coup was CIA’s political mistake — Putin
The Russian president noted that the US agency had achieved its goal of changing the government but failed to see what it would evolve
This "show" was a setup to make the Trump administration look good by having Zelensky thank them profusely for the support, and offering to sign the "deal". Zelensky did not follow the script and tried to clarify with "facts".Beggars can't be choosers.
I think that Zelenski was ungrateful, as he was before towards Germany. He is not buying weapons in the international market, he is taking what he is given.
There was a moment in the interview, with him with his arms folded, when I thought that I was looking at a child with a tantrum. I thought he got the point: NATO will not fight this war for him. He thought that he was in US to tell POTUS what to do? I am not going to call Trump a responsible adult, nor diplomatic, but Trump is a position of force; Zelenski is not.
Trump didn't told him to go ... himself, just "when he is ready for peace". I wonder what options Zelenski thinks that he, Zelenski, has. I understand the messages of support to Zelenski (words are cheap), but I am just starting to consider if he is delusional or just plain stupid. What do you do when you are losing a war?
First thing I thought when I saw that trainwreck of a press conference was that Zelensky will probably soon be standing down as president. Trump's ego is such that he would sell out Ukraine rather than lose face.Conspiracy hat time-
This is Ukraine playing 4d Chess. Zelensky has made all the US MAGA anti Ukraine rehtoric anti Zelenksy rhetoric instead. Look at Lindsay Graham's ( most anti russia war hawk) statement today, it was antu Zelensky not anti Ukraine.
If Zelensky has a chosen successor who is as anti russia as he is, he can simply step down and give trump a massive egoo boost and "win". The new successor can just come in and simply say that Zelensky was wrong , Trump was right, Trump is awesome, Putin is an evil dictator and a weakling compared to the mighty trump. Ukriane gets all the US support back, Europe no more ramped up than ever before, gives more aid to Ukraine and Ukraine's position is better than ever. Zelensky has his legacy solidifed as the manwho sacrifieced his leadership for Ukraine and remains the ultimate darling of Europe.
Conspiracy hat off.
If Ukraine is not plaanning this, then they should and they should also hire me as a consultant and give me 10 million dollars for by big brain ideas.![]()
Yes, Zelensky seems still in believe that Trump will still entertaint Biden POV. I don't know whether there're his people that warn him, that Trump is anti Biden. That's also the point that Vance lash out to him.Mistake #2 was his default position that defeating Putin is in US interest.
Not my statement. Again, you mean if has credible sources?
It was talking about the final document, the agreement that has not been signed. Had access to that document? I don't know, I consider, theguardian and lemonde reliable sources. Do you have any insight about that I don't know of?
I do remember something in a documentary about Bandera and how it was financed, but made no reference to that.
There are over 3000 confirmed Lancet strikes on Lostarmour. There's a good chance that quite a few more aren't covered. So it's not at Lancet numbers yet, but it will certainly get there. These drones are much cheaper. I'm also not sure that interceptor FPVs are all that consistently effective. But wire-guided does seem to be the way to go with drones, at least currently.The amended rare earth deal was not even that bad and more importantly, would never have been reality to begin with, Trump just wanted a quick deal done to show the world and his base that he is the master deal maker. This should have been a lay up for Zelensky. He should have gone in, said thank you, praised Trump and subtly hint that US could get even more raw materials if they helped UKr take back the Donbass.
Now going back to the war @Feanor does any Russian source have a count of Fibre optic hits?
A pro Russian twitter made a list that in 2 months.
145 Tanks 254 IFVs and APCs 164 IMVs and around 110 artillery losses.
COnsidering the sheer number of fivre videos I have been seeing, this number is not only believable but almost feels like underselling it. Even the lancet in its heyday did not have this many published hits. The current rate of Ukr vehicle losses to Fibre optics really unsustainable. I wonder how long this advantge will last? so far, both sides have managed to cancel out advantages in a few months.
As per Fighterbomber, Ukrainian EW has managed to reduce the accuracy of UPMKs to a significant extent, lancets are being dowened easily by interceptor FPVs, I wonder what ends up countering the fibre optics.
Most of those 3000 lancet hits were befoe the introduction of the interceptors. Now I have no idea what the actual hit rate is, but in the last 3 months, I have seen more videos of lancets being intercepted than of lancets hitting targets themselves. There has been a noticeable drop off in lancet videos, even takign itno account the video dumping nature of lancet video releases.I'm also not sure that interceptor FPVs are all that consistently effective.
I actually have no idea because that was Zelensky advisor Podolyak’s 4d or 5d or whatever it is they call it chess moves talk as cited in my post. I think it is pure rubbish, personally, as has been exhibited earlier today. And I will comment on it later in more detail.What Russian resources are you talking about?
Each has context such as timeline and probability. To say there may be less aid in the short term and more in the long term, are not mutually exclusive statements.Ukraine will get more aid. Ukraine probably will get more aid. Ukraine might get more aid. Ukraine could get more aid. Ukraine should get more aid. Ukraine will get comparable amounts of aid. Ukraine will probably get less aid. Ukraine will possibly get less aid. Ukraine will get less aid. These aren't semantic distinctions. They are all different positions on the future of aid to Ukraine, many of them mutually exclusive. I've bolded the positions you've taken in recent posts. Do you see the cause of the confusion?
In the current battle of war materiel attrition, Ukraine has two ways of getting the upper hand - acquire more hardware, or attrit Russia's hardware faster.strongly disagree. Ukraine has problems with sufficient quantity of just about everything. Quality is also of course an issue but homeopathic quantities of modern equipment won't help. Europe's option isn't providing giant quantities of Leo-1s or smaller quantities of Leo-2A8s. Europe's option is providing small quantities of Leo-1s or tiny quantities of Leo-2A8s. You can't stop the Leo-1 transfer and use those funds to purchase 1 sad btln of Leo-2A8s per year and expect good outcomes.
Be easier to convince Poland if all NATO members reach 4-5%. Poland is also still in early stages of modernization. Its Soviet MBTs are now all history, and it'll depend on how manufacturers can scale up to see if Leopard 2s, howitzers, and other kit can be provided soon. Unlike Israel, another 5% spender, Poland follows the European model of batch buys which has the advantage of faster acquisition and modernization. Meaning in a few years Poland will have industry and supply chains ready to feed Ukraine rapidly if contracts are provided. Less if other nations in Europe start investing in MIC, which thankfully is one of the first investments in a rearmament drive.also think it's a legitimate decision (who in their right mind would claim otherwise? It's their money, it's their defense budget, they can spend it as they see fit). But what I'm pointing out is that the direction of movement is congruent to what you claim but the results aren't. In other words, the things you're advocating don't seem to lead to the outcomes you're expecting.
That’s a pretty big “and” though that was missing in your previous post. Otherwise, I don’t see many restrictions that currently exist for the Ukrainian strikes with the assets they have at hand today.Lifting of restrictions and supply of long range munitions could allow Ukraine to hit Russia's MIC.
It's only big because you marked it in bold and increased text size.That’s a pretty big “and” though that was missing in your previous post. Otherwise, I don’t see many restrictions that currently exist for the Ukrainian strikes with the assets they have at hand today.
I was referring only to industrial setup. But what exactly do you mean?Percentage wise, some may believe otherwise, but comparison to Israel is not exactly appropriate because the circumstances are completely different.