Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates 2.0


Well-Known Member
Anyone able to identify this?
Washed up on a QLD beach.
Air launched Torpedo?
Looks like a MK54?

View attachment 52367
Not quite the same due to colouration. The barnacles tell me it's been floating around for a while, so no, not the Chinese!
Edit, confirmed as a lost now found ADF practice torpedo.
It was amusing watching one reporter try to describe it. Reminds me of the day the Herald Sun described a Harvard as a Spitfire.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
I see the newspaper asked the navy to verify the story, and somehow its now an Ärmy torpedo". The only service that can't drop one of these.

I just came across this. it seems quite negative about SEA3000. Did I miss something over the last year or so? Was it really such a secretive process?
Its the normal process AFAIK, but they are being much stricter about leaking about it.

Which raises the whole question about why they are publishing a story with sources who aren't allowed to talk about it.. Sounds like someone is frustrated at TKMS, or someone at a news outlet is frustrated they have nothing to write about.

I don't think the processes has been excessively secret, we know a fair bit about what is going on. And the public isn't voting on it, a decision will be made by those in the loop.

The 7 modules are interesting, I think we should wait a few more weeks to see what pops out. It may be parts of the TKMS build in concept are merged with the Japanese. People are getting paid for the work they are doing, and if it helps secure the entire global order, who cares what actual platform wins. Key people from both teams might be needed to make this project work.

This is the nature of the game, even in cases where there is a clear favorite other bids are often encouraged to desrisk and innovate. Everyone knows this. Even if the Japanese win, I don't think TKMS will leave completely empty handed. If you impress people, you get called back and narrowed down next time. Individuals/teams can also be picked. Remembering TKMS had an offer from the German government to have a large minority stake in it, if required. They also recieve billions in guarentees from the german governments.

Winning the project also doesn't mean it will always work out.. See the Attack class. OR even Sea1180. During sea4000 it was seen as the G&C was heavily favored to win, and that didn't happen either.

TBH the amount of pressure on this project is going to be very high. Even the Koreans were surprised at the lengths the Japanese government and Team Japan would go for this project.

This will probably be the last major platform tender before a major conflict. Europe I think is only just waking up the realities. In a world where Germany and the EU is looking for good reliable allies, having a front row seat to Japan's largest ever export deal, and Australia's most rapid acquisition of a new naval platform, is valuable. Complaining you aren't making enough to buy two ferraris is kind of missing the point. Its probably why you shouldn't be selected.


The Bunker Group
Exactly, I think it’s just an attention seeking exercise, and they’re getting plenty. Send a Cape PB navy or border force to shadow them at most and overflights with Hercs or Spartans or police, border force or civvy planes, show them how little it matters. They’ll get bored if they don’t get any attention.
Nope, those platforms are unlikely to have the equipment aboard to detect and process electronic noise and possibly underwater noise from the Chinese ships.

The Type 055 is their latest and greatest. Depending on how careful the Chinese are being with their emissions, the intel people are probably loving this.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Subs are the best tool for accoustic mapping.. em essisions can be picked up by multiple platforms. A live fire ciws is perfect.. nice to get some weapon radar emissions.

Pretty lonely out there compared to the scs... not much to hide with..

It does look like they are going west coast...


Nope, those platforms are unlikely to have the equipment aboard to detect and process electronic noise and possibly underwater noise from the Chinese ships.

The Type 055 is their latest and greatest. Depending on how careful the Chinese are being with their emissions, the intel people are probably loving this.
Perhaps we need to be a bit more Aussie about it. Get some larakin back and take the oiss in true Australian fashion. Make them look silly on the world stage. My suggestions:

Organise and inform them publicly that due to the long voyage, we are sending out the Roulettes to perform an aerobatic display to entertain their crews. Have the whole show filmed and splashed over the media.

A goodwill message from Australia to be organised with their Navy. Send a plane out towing a sign saying something like, welcome to our part of the world, we hope you enjoy clean unpolluted air and water. Film it and send to to the media.

Organise and offer very publicly to conduct and aerial resupply to their ships. Send them Australian wine, lobsters and anything else they boycotted of ours. Saying we know you missed them! Lots of media coverage too.

That’s just a few, the more we show on the world stage that it’s just really a non-event and light heartedly take the oiss out of them I the Aussie way the more I think they’ll prob just give up.

But yes of course use discreet assets to gather as much intel as possible as well.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps we need to be a bit more Aussie about it. Get some larakin back and take the oiss in true Australian fashion. Make them look silly on the world stage. My suggestions:

Organise and inform them publicly that due to the long voyage, we are sending out the Roulettes to perform an aerobatic display to entertain their crews. Have the whole show filmed and splashed over the media.

A goodwill message from Australia to be organised with their Navy. Send a plane out towing a sign saying something like, welcome to our part of the world, we hope you enjoy clean unpolluted air and water. Film it and send to to the media.

Organise and offer very publicly to conduct and aerial resupply to their ships. Send them Australian wine, lobsters and anything else they boycotted of ours. Saying we know you missed them! Lots of media coverage too.

That’s just a few, the more we show on the world stage that it’s just really a non-event and light heartedly take the oiss out of them I the Aussie way the more I think they’ll prob just give up.

But yes of course use discreet assets to gather as much intel as possible as well.
Don't forget the baby formula!!! Lol


Well-Known Member
Does AUKUS really have any chance of proceeding when Trump does not appear to even know what it is?
Once he realises he has to give Virginia class subs to Australia there has to be some chance he will try to cancel it.



Well-Known Member
Does AUKUS really have any chance of proceeding when Trump does not appear to even know what it is?
Once he realises he has to give Virginia class subs to Australia there has to be some chance he will try to cancel it.

I suspect when he finds out that we are paying well above the going rate for a used submarine he will try to sell us more.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Am I right that they are sailing VERY close together?
Maybe they're cold. ;)

I'm wondering if they're in photo op mode and have posed for the press...

View attachment 52372
The cruiser looks like it is doing a RAS approach to the tanker.

Tender evaluation processes are always tightly held; there are severe ramifications for anybody who breaches the confidentiality agreements involved.

G&C was only the Sea 4000 favourite in the eyes of those who were not involved in the selection process (or saw it only from the G&C perspective). It was a paper design which had issues.

APDR has had a thing about Sea 3000 since its beginning. To my mind at least Kym has always preferred the TKMS offerings. He’s allowed to, of course, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the APDR reporting on the project is particularly accurate.


Well-Known Member
Does AUKUS really have any chance of proceeding when Trump does not appear to even know what it is?
Once he realises he has to give Virginia class subs to Australia there has to be some chance he will try to cancel it.

Trump is in the process of trying to cut US military spending and disengage from NATO and I expect at some point he may want pull back from this region as well. The previously stated goal of the USN requiring 60 SSNs might not be as relevant under a Trump administralian. I agree with Sammy that he might be more interested in selling even more boats to us.

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
Please refrain from invoking Politics in the RAN thread. We should avoid using any politicians name, as much as possible.
Trump is in the process of trying to cut US military spending and disengage from NATO and I expect at some point he may want pull back from this region as well. The previously stated goal of the USN requiring 60 SSNs might not be as relevant under a Trump administralian. I agree with Sammy that he might be more interested in selling even more boats to us.
The only thing you need to know about Trump is he can’t be trusted and everything is about him.


Well-Known Member
Considering we put billions in to help boost their production he might see sense.
Could all go many ways
No SSNs for OZ as one of the theee party’s to AUKUS pulls out
We go with Virginias only.
Things go as per the original script.
Such a long term project it’s difficult to say in 2025.
However we have Trump!!!!!
What we can say is the current POTUS is a predictably unpredictable bloke that could go many ways with this “AUKUS thing”

We may have some answers to this long term project within the next four years.

Not sure what that looks like.

The times we live in

Cheers S


Well-Known Member
Please refrain from invoking Politics in the RAN thread. We should avoid using any politicians name, as much as possible.
Does AUKUS really have any chance of proceeding when Trump does not appear to even know what it is?
Once he realises he has to give Virginia class subs to Australia there has to be some chance he will try to cancel it.

He won't be in office when the Virginias are supposed to be handed over. He'll mostly be around for the current stage of us cash splashing the US sub industry which I don't think he'll be too upset about.