Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates 2.0


Well-Known Member
2034 for the first Hunter is wild, 2043 for the sixth. Followed by the Hobart replacement.
Cut steel in 2026 for the first of 3 GPF built overseas to be delivered before the end of the decade.
Looks like Luerssen has been shafted and Civmec has no future with the GPFrigate and LOSV build going to Austal.
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Scott Elaurant

Well-Known Member
Light frigates shortlisted to designs from Spain, Germany, South Korea and Japan (per Marles' on ABC), first three hulls built overseas, remaining 8 in WA.

Edit: Light frigate size of ANZACs to 50% larger, twice as many missiles (16 VLS cells?).
This implies the Arrowhead design is out. So Navantia, TKM, Mushashi and Chungnam(?) SK designs are invited to bidding. I find the reference to Light or general purpose frigates, not corvettes, encouraging. All of these options are 4000+ to 5000 tonnes.


Well-Known Member

According to the ABC 6 large optionally crewed ships will be added to the navy. Also up to 11 GP frigates to be partially built overseas. Upgaded version of the Hobart destroyer will be fitted with tomahawks, The overall navy will eventually be increased to 26 combat ready warships consisting of 9 tier 1 Destroyer/frigates, 11 gp frigates and 6 optionally manned vessels.

Pretty big news if it turns out to be correct.


Well-Known Member
From the Marles presser
First Hunter 2034, 6th Hunter 2043
next gen DDG will follow.
first GP Frigate 2029, 4th by 2034 first 3 built offshore, other 8 at Henderson. There are 4 contenders, Spain, Germany, ROK, Japan, winner announced 2025, will be in the 4-6000t range.
LOSV mid 30s-mid 40s, to work with the Hobarts and Hunters.
Cost $54B, $11.1B increased budget over next decade.
Anzac to be decommissioned.
No Anzac TransCAP.
This implies the Arrowhead design is out. So Navantia, TKM, Mushashi and Chungnam(?) SK designs are invited to bidding. I find the reference to Light or general purpose frigates, not corvettes, encouraging. All of these options are 4000+ to 5000 tonnes.
The ability to put a vessel in the water before 2030 and 4 by 2034 may have what cost Babcock and some others. The 4 countries chosen have significant ability to build ships in place now.

According to the ABC 6 large optionally crewed ships will be added to the navy. Also up to 11 GP froates to be built overseas. Upgaded version of the Hobart destroyer will be fitted with tomahawks, The overall navy will eventually be increased to 26 combat ready warships consisting of 9 tier 1 Destroyer/frigates, 11 gp frigates and 6 optionally manned vessels.

Pretty big news if it turns out to be correct.
3 OS and 8 at Henderson

Scott Elaurant

Well-Known Member
Also up to 11 GP frigates to be built overseas.
No. There are 11 new GP frigates, 3 built overseas initially, then 8 built in Henderson. Lots of work for Perth in this plan.

"The new general purpose frigate will be accelerated to replace the Anzac class frigates, meaning the Transition Capability Assurance (TransCAP) upgrades are no longer required. These new general purpose frigates will be modern, capable and more lethal, requiring smaller crews than the Anzac.

Consolidation of the Henderson precinct is currently underway, as recommended by the Defence Strategic Review. Successful and timely consolidation will enable eight new general purpose frigates to be built at the Henderson precinct, and will also enable a pathway to build six new Large Optionally Crewed Surface Vessels in Western Australia."


Well-Known Member
When I read the part where it was to be partially built overseas I had the feeling a deal might have already been done with Austal/Navantia. We will see.

One thing missing. No additional AWD destroyers.
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Well-Known Member
Marles said in the Presser that the Frigates they are looking at is anywhere in size, from an Anzac to something up to 50% bigger and currently in production, so my guesses are.
Alpha 5000 or F-110
Meko A200
South Korea
Mogami or the follow on larger FFM.
I suspect Babcock was not able to meet what is a very tough timeline, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Also the release says
  • 25 minor war vessels to contribute to civil maritime security operations, which includes six Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs).
So I guess that means no more OPVs but maybe extra Capes.


Well-Known Member
From the Marles presser
First Hunter 2034, 6th Hunter 2043
next gen DDG will follow.
first GP Frigate 2029, 4th by 2034 first 3 built offshore, other 8 at Henderson. There are 4 contenders, Spain, Germany, ROK, Japan, winner announced 2025, will be in the 4-6000t range.
LOSV mid 30s-mid 40s, to work with the Hobarts and Hunters.
Cost $54B, $11.1B increased budget over next decade.
Anzac to be decommissioned.
No Anzac TransCAP.

The ability to put a vessel in the water before 2030 and 4 by 2034 may have what cost Babcock and some others. The 4 countries chosen have significant ability to build ships in place now.

3 OS and 8 at Henderson

A bit odd, I know the type 31 has slipped slightly but they are still expected to deliver all 5 ships by the early 2030s.

Frigates from the 4 countries
Korea - Hyundai or Hanwha - Chungnam(FFX Batch 3) or **Future(FFX Batch 4), HDF 3200/3500/3800/4000
Japan - Mitsubishi - Mogami or **FFM
Germany - TKMS - MEKO A200 or *A210
Spain - Navantia - F110 or *Alpha 5000

*None planned or in production.
**planned, not in production but will be before the end of decade.

The potential Hanwha takeover of Austal and the silhouettes on display at indo pacific make me lean towards Korea getting the nod.
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Active Member
A bit odd, I know the type 31 has slipped slightly but they are still expected to deliver all 5 ships by the early 2030s.

Frigates from the 4 countries
Korea - HHI or Hanwha - Chungnam(FFX Batch 3) or Future(FFX Batch 4), HDF 2500/3000/3200/4000
Japan - Mitsubishi - Mogami or FFM
Germany - TKMS - MEKO A200 or A210
Spain - Navantia - F110 or Alpha 5000
Wanting the first hulls in the water by the late 2020s probably means anything too developmental is a no go, so Alpha 5000, FFX batch 4 and A210 are likely out. FFM might be bit marginal depending on how much it'd an upgraded Mogami vs substantially modified design.

Spain/Navantia we should add the Alpha-3000 ("Tasman class") as a possibility as it just slips into the specs as currently defined (ANZAC class ~3600 tons to 50% larger Alpha-3000 claimed as pretty much bang on 3600 tons, twice as many missiles as ANZAC, so 16 Mk41 VLS consistant with model of Alpha-3000 shown last year).

Scott Elaurant

Well-Known Member
The Defence statements are here.

The report "Enhanced Lethality Surface Combatant fleet" (Hillarides report) is here. It is 24 pages. It confirms the specific frigate platforms under consideration:
"Four platforms have been identified by the independent analysis as exemplars to form the basis of a selection process for this new general
purpose frigate:
Meko A-200
Mogami 30FFM
Daegu class FFX Batch II and III
Navantia ALFA3000"

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Ship Watcher
Verified Defense Pro
When I read the part where it was to be partially built overseas I had the feeling a deal might have already been done with Austal/Navantia. We will see.

One thing missing. No additional AWD destroyers.
More DDGs would have been nice but if the GOTD can actually deliver 6 Hunters, 11 GP frigates and 6 LOSVs, I'll forgive them, as these vessels will have far greater AW capability than the 8 Anzacs they will replace. In addition the replacement DDGs committed to follow the Hunters in production at Osborne will likely have superior capability to the vessels they will replace.

To be honest the commitment made today to a fleet of 20 manned and 6 optionally manned major surface combatants is way beyond anything I was expecting.

Manning and maintaining a fleet of this size will be a huge challenge.



Well-Known Member
Marles said in the Presser that the Frigates they are looking at is anywhere in size, from an Anzac to something up to 50% bigger and currently in production, so my guesses are.
Alpha 5000 or F-110
Meko A200
South Korea
Mogami or the follow on larger FFM.
I suspect Babcock was not able to meet what is a very tough timeline, unfortunately.
I wouldn't write off Babcock. They have an extensive network in Australia and they could arrange to have Australian ships built by a third nation. Poland comes to mind.

Overall I am fairly happy with that plan. I much prefer the idea of a GP frigate than a corvette. That they are advocating 25 minor warships for the constabulary role would seem to put the idea of a corvette sized vessel to rest.