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- #9,481
Russian forces have pushed past Industrial Ave and taken the first treeline in the fields past it. Specifically they seem to have a foothold there which definitively blocks the road and suggests Ukraine is still on the defense despite the arrival of fresh reinforcements. At the same time Russian forces are pushing to close the pocket around the Zenit and Cheburashka strong points in south-western Avdeevka. As this happens we have reports of Ukrainian troops withdrawing from positions in the north-east and south of Avdeevka. The next several days are likely to be decisive.
In Selidovo we have some footage emerging of a Russian strike against allegedly a local medical facility where wounded from the recent strike were gathered. If the information is true as it is presented, this constitutes an obvious and flagrant war crime. Note details on the incident remain scarce. Note this appears to be the second Russian strike against a Ukrainian medical facility being used to treat military personnel in a short time. Russia recently also struck a hospital in Kharkov. While in principle these strikes mirror similar previous strikes by Ukraine, this might be an alarming new pattern. Russia certainly has far more ability to strike hospitals then Ukraine.
Some footage of damage from one of the strikes against Selidovo.
Russian forces have pushed past Industrial Ave and taken the first treeline in the fields past it. Specifically they seem to have a foothold there which definitively blocks the road and suggests Ukraine is still on the defense despite the arrival of fresh reinforcements. At the same time Russian forces are pushing to close the pocket around the Zenit and Cheburashka strong points in south-western Avdeevka. As this happens we have reports of Ukrainian troops withdrawing from positions in the north-east and south of Avdeevka. The next several days are likely to be decisive.

Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
⚔️☠️ Армия России вгрызается в Авдеевку, продвигаясь вперёд и окружая базу ПВО ▪️Работающий на ВСУ ресурс DS публикует новую аналитику, сообщая, что российские войска «снова продвинулись на севере и юге города». ▪️«На юге их основная задача окружить Зенит (этот укрепрайон находится уже под...

Ukrainian-Russian war. Day 721: Situation on Avdivka front: - From the northern axis Russian Army took control over the forest belt between Avdivka Coke Plant and Water Treatment facilities. In addition, troops crossed Industrial Avenue and began advancing in the forest belt southwest of it...

Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
‼️☠️Идут уличные бои: на штурм Авдеевки Россия отправила 50 000 бойцов, спецназ и опытных штурмовиков, — спикер группировки ВСУ "Таврия" ▪️ Дмитрий Лиховий в эфире заявил, что в Авдеевке уже несколько дней продолжаются уличные бои, и обстановка "диктует определенную смену тактики боевых...

Противник заявляет, что штурмовые группы ВС РФ продолжают акцентировано продвигаться к последним дорогам в Авдеевку перевалив через Индустриальный проспект и продвинувшись к посадкам в направлении Ласточкино. Дальнейшее продвижение ВС РФ на этот участке поставит ребром вопрос об Авдеевском...

Относительно угрозы окружения части сил противника на опорниках "Зенит" и "Чебурашка". 1. Пока еще физического окружения нет, некая горловина по-прежнему существует, хотя и простреливается. ВС РФ естественно стремятся закрыть ее. 2. Окружение и ликвидация сил противника в этом мини-мешке...
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In Selidovo we have some footage emerging of a Russian strike against allegedly a local medical facility where wounded from the recent strike were gathered. If the information is true as it is presented, this constitutes an obvious and flagrant war crime. Note details on the incident remain scarce. Note this appears to be the second Russian strike against a Ukrainian medical facility being used to treat military personnel in a short time. Russia recently also struck a hospital in Kharkov. While in principle these strikes mirror similar previous strikes by Ukraine, this might be an alarming new pattern. Russia certainly has far more ability to strike hospitals then Ukraine.

Российские войска ночью поразили медучреждение в Селидово. Стоит отметить, что вчера днем кассетными боеприпасами был нанесен удар по скоплению украинских солдат как раз в н.п. Селидово и сообщалось об огромном количестве раненых. Высока вероятность того, что данное медучреждение было...

Some footage of damage from one of the strikes against Selidovo.