Indonesian Aero News

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
That Canadian Aviation Industry talk on support for N219, potentially related to CL515 deal. Indonesian MinDef by law has to get aviation deal to local industry, for overseas procurement. I couldn't find the link anymore, however in one of media conference, they said Canadian Aviation industry support to N219 is part of the deal.

On other hand as no information yet lately on the progress of the deal, it's also potential that the Canadian Industry and DI talk for N219 involvement just part of B to B. Not saying that CL515 deal is being hold, as MinDef can just put it on silence mode.

My comment was more in relation to our domestic need for more water bombers given the massive forest fires this year. Export sales of the 515 are important but given the huge fires this year domestic sales should be a priority.


The Bunker Group

This is quite interesting, It has been known for sometime that UK has been in discussions with Indonesian MinDef to sell some of their surplus C-130J. Rumours say Indonesian MinDef interested for 5-7 ex RAF C-130J to augmenting their 5 Brand New C-130J to make one full squadron.

However according to this UK also put RAF A-400M. Now it is already talk by Airbus site that Indonesian A400M contract is 2+2, and some rumours in here talk the option can move from 2 into 4. Not quite sure whether the UK offer come from existing RAF A400M or those still in production line.


Well-Known Member
All of UK's A400M orders (22) have been fufilled by Airbus since May 2023, so there isn't any left "on the production line"

As for divesting any existing RAF A400M, it seems rather extreme, given they just divested their 130Js.


The Bunker Group
Well either some Indonesian MinDef PR people take wrong assessment toward what UK Ambassador and delegations offer, or they are indeed put some of their A400M to the market. This is why in my post, I put this is going to be interesting development if this is confirmed.


The Bunker Group
Yes, I'm still looking if any other sources can confirm whether UK also offering their A400M. Offer for surplus C-130J not only confirm by Indonesian source, but also UK ones. Eventough ditching all RAF C-130J is also meet some opposition in UK.

That's why it is going to be interesting and changing situations if UK also offering A400M. At first I do also question why UK offering A400M, as the contract for A400M Indonesian order more or less already set with Airbus. This is why I tought secondary scenario that UK still have undelivered A400M order or still in Production line. However as koxinga put, all 22 already delivered. So let's see how this turn out, as it is still coming from one source eventough it is official Indonesian MinDef source.



One Indonesian enthusiast X put picture of current condition on DI Black Eagle MALE UAV. DI with MinDef decided to take over the program continuation from previous limbo done by Indonesian RnD Bureau.

Seems they are changing the propeller from double to triple, thus more inline with current trend of MALE Piston UAV. Indonesia still continues talk with Turkey on MALE UCAV, while this Indegenous project seems going to use any tech co-op that can be source from the deal.


Rumours talk that the indigenous Black Eagle development priority is for ELINT and Surveillance functions. Currently the only MALE UAV in TNI inventory that capable for ELINT is Chinese CH-4. This is also what that TNI use to monitor PLAN and Chinese Coast Guard movement in Natuna Sea and SCS.
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Active Member
Well, will have to see whose going to win the election anyway. So far it is no effective contract yet. As always in Indonesia Procurement, nothing is certain until money come out.
I'm inclined to believe that if either Prabowo or Anies wins, the Eagle II's would be bought regardless. Recent interviews with Anies and events such as the US embassy visit to PKS has shown that Anies could be considered Washington's favorite.


Well-Known Member
I'm inclined to believe that if either Prabowo or Anies wins, the Eagle II's would be bought regardless. Recent interviews with Anies and events such as the US embassy visit to PKS has shown that Anies could be considered Washington's favorite.
That's weird since PKS is the most Islamic hardliner among the major parties and they're quite anti-Israel, which is not something the US like. It's off topic for this thread though so let's go back to Eagle II. My belief is that regardless of who wins the presidential election next year, the Eagle II is still going to be bought. What's likely to vary is the timing and quantity, but this is more likely to be influenced by general economic condition than by politics. If the economy is good, it'll be bought faster and in more quantity. If the economy is bad, then regardless of who's president and which party holds plurality in parliament, maybe just 2 or 3 after dithering for 3-4 years. This is because a drone purchase is likely to remain unnoticed by the general public, so the political consideration has less impact compared to say, a fighter jet purchase.


The Bunker Group

This is the picture that MinDef FB, X, and Insta accounts put recently. This is to thanks public for their support on the channels. However we can see it is also put Eagle II and Blackhawk on the picture.

They can put assets that already in contract and procure like Rafale or H225M, but putting those two in same picture with other assets that already in inventory and effective contract seems indicating these two will be "politically" prioritise to close the deal soon.

I suspect it will be in batches, just like Rafale contracts, or H225M. There are precedence when previous admin put something in contract, which push next admin (even though the next one is political rival) to finish the series of procurement. Megawati procured Flanker first batch which prompt SBY (which's political rival) to continue Flanker deals. It will be political costly if next administration not do follow up contract.

Just like KFX project that SBY initiate and Jokowi's admin has to handle it (even though clearly they're not having strong political will to do it). That's with ROK, if the contract is with US, then it will be more political costlier if next admin not following up. So the key is, whether that contract with US will be effective (even though in batches) done before this administration finish.

Off course Prabowo's now clearly become the next present administration. They will follow up present administration projects. So actually US should not to worry much with him. The other two are the ones that technically can differed. US just try to spread their connection to the other two candidates. Although I suspect US will have more work to lobby and convincing, if one of the candidate turn out winning next administration.


The Bunker Group

Video on Indonesian MinDef X on yesterday arrival of Falcon 8X for VIP Sq (17th Sq). Previous Facon 7X that already come few months ago, will be return to Dasault, as it is only interim VIP plane. Dasault basically lend it so TNI-AU personels can do familiarization with the type.

The deal being package as part of Rafale deal with Dasault.


The Bunker Group

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

View attachment 50931

Seems Bell fighting back to maintain their market leads in Indonesia from Sikorsky encroachment. As part of Jokowi visit to US, they sign agreement with DI to enhance involvement in current 412SP but also potentially involved with 525 production chain.

This is also means Bell try offering larger fleet to Indonesian market with DI involvement.
Looking to the long history between Bell and IPTN, the large fleet of Bell 412s in Indonesia and the cost effectiveness/value for money of the 412, i think it is indeed better to stay with Bell.

Hopefully IPTN can expand the amount parts/sub-assembly production of the 412. And of course it will be great if IPTN gets involved in the production of the 525.
And who knows, maybe involvement in the production of the Bell 360 Invictus is possible in the next decade, after all technology and components from the 525 is used for the 360.
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The Bunker Group
And of course it will be great if IPTN gets involved in the production of the 525.
When Prabowo sign MOU for S-70/Blackhawk, I do wonder how Bell going to Counter. 525 offer is in my opinion Bell counter. Remember the Blackhawk signing still MoU and no effective contract yet. Thus contractual wise Bell 525 offer and Sikorsky S-70 MoU has similar positioning.

Bell already shown their intention to modified 525 as S-70/UH-60 competitor. Just like when Augusta try to enter Indonesian market and take chunck of portion that so far hold by Airbus, Airbus then reacted giving DI more involvement with H225M production sharing.

Bell definitely will react to guard Army Aviation market that so far is their turf from Sikorsky.


Local avionics Info Global shown their avionics that being customise for Super Tucano.


I don't know if it is related or not with Info Global decided to take out their YouTube Video. However not much later on, TNI-AU told media that 2 of their Super Tucano crash during training sorties near Mount Bromo area in East Java.

That area is not far away from ther squadron Malang AB HQ. Super Tucano in TNI-AU asside use as part of advance training syllabus, also use as COIN.
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Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Sad news, but today two TNI-AU EMB-314 Super Tucanos have crashed in Jawa-Timur at 11:18 WIB (local time), with in both aircrafts two crew members.

There are in my opinion too many accidents with our air force aircrafts, looking to the relative small size of the fleet.

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The Bunker Group
This last few years most of accident of TNI-AU aircraft related to training aircraft, KT-1B, TA-50, and now EMB-314. Even Hawk accident bit disproportionately with Hawk 100 then Hawk 200.

I guess in other AF (if not mistaken), accident with trainers highers then combat operational ones. It's just some of that trainers meet accident outside traning regime. Either the trainers accident due to air show, or due to joy ride with some brass. This accident being told by TNI-AU spokesman during formations traning.


The Bunker Group

One of Indonesian enthusiasts X shown foto taken mid of this week. Shown Indigenous MALE UAV conducting taxi trials. So increasingly shown the project do being taken over by MinDef and DI from State RnD Agency BRIN.

Some rumours talk about increasing political rivalry between Prabowo and Jokowi against Megawati, is one of the reason. One by one project that officially hold by BRIN being taken over. Seems shown that BRIN incompetence.

Not going to disagree on BRIN Incompetence after Megawati taking over. However this is also again shown how political moods that still determines Indonesia defense projects. Not the necessity of defense situations.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
I dont know if we have to be happy about it but a chinese company is has ordered 25 N219 from IPTN. The contract was signed during the Aero Asia 2023 (23-26 November) at Zhuhai International Airshow Center, China.

Undoubtly they want something back for this. But also without this order, IPTN is not able yet to start the serial production of the N219, let alone produce it at an acceptable rate.

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The Bunker Group
From my understanding, this is still agreement with this Linkfield Tech to co-op on marketing N219 in Chinese market. Seems this Linkfield Tech will help at this stage up to 25 N219 being tailor specs base on customer requirements.

So it is not at least in my understanding, a definite contract order yet. This agreement more to find Partner.


Well-Known Member


The Bunker Group

Follow on the marketing partnership deal on N219, DI also looking to pursue assembly plant in China Xinjiang teritory. Funny thing that DI predecessor also try this strategy for their regional jet project N2130 for North America market. Let's see how this goes.
