Indonesian Aero News


The Bunker Group
maybe we have to wait another decade to see the N219 in real production.
To be fair, they already have production line for N219. The prototype line can be done bit redesign to make from 2 to 4 capacity per year (1 each 3 months).

However to make production line into 12 per year (1 every month), that need additional capital injection. I already see their requirements already enter Bapanas plan and submitted to Parliament. However I still don't know whether it is already implemented.

They also supposed to launch Amphibious prototype this year. However as year getting closer to end, no news also on this one.


That's from Sindonews, but again it is just plan that already got delay. Supposedly in 2021, but they use COVID-19 excuse. Now if they got more delay, then I don't know what's excuse they will give again.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
To be fair, they already have production line for N219. The prototype line can be done bit redesign to make from 2 to 4 capacity per year (1 each 3 months).

However to make production line into 12 per year (1 every month), that need additional capital injection. I already see their requirements already enter Bapanas plan and submitted to Parliament. However I still don't know whether it is already implemented.

They also supposed to launch Amphibious prototype this year. However as year getting closer to end, no news also on this one.

View attachment 50849

That's from Sindonews, but again it is just plan that already got delay. Supposedly in 2021, but they use COVID-19 excuse. Now if they got more delay, then I don't know what's excuse they will give again.
The amphibious version of the N219 will be very useful in such a country like Indonesia, but i am very pessimistic about the development, that the roll out will happen this year is already very unlikely, let alone a first flight.

14 years ago (and even earlier) they already had plans to make amphibious aircrafts....
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - PT DI Akan Produksi Pesawat Amfibi

I'm sorry the link is in local newspaper, but in short it's said that the Indonesian Aerospaces (PT. DI) will build (under license) with Dornier a light amphibious plane.

The DI spokesman says the plane will have capacities for 14 passanger (outside the pilot) and have two engines.
Try to find the info in dornier site, still has not find the relevant aircraft mentiones here. Any you guys have idea what kind of possible aircraft mentioned here ?

Thanks in advances


The Bunker Group
:D:D I forgot that thread starter post. Yeah 14 years already, time flies by. Yeah that's the time DI/IPTN try to regroup and find new chapter of their future as company. Seems they still doing it until now.

At least their posture are more realistic to the budget support from present administration, then the bloated inefficient Aero Company that Habibie ambition in 90's. More realistic.


The Bunker Group

Both, Boeing and LM FB pages, send congratulations for TNI day each with pictures of assets that they're bidding on for TNI.

While at the same time, MinDef FB shown video of French HAMMER smart weapon for Rafale, that's just being sign off set contract with. This is part of contract as Indonesian regulations that's make it effective ones.

One aspect that's being shown from Hammer, is free from ITAR control. This shown emphasis on assets that free from US control. Shown some contradiction in Indonesian defense procurement politics.

In one hand that HAMMER video from MINDEF shown free from US ITAR control is one big factor. At the same time still talk for US made assets, as what both Boeing and LM FB shown above.

This is reiterate points that I have put before in this thread or other Indonesian threads. Frenchie assets or even Turkiye are being sought as alternative from Russian or even Chinese assets. As part of defense assets that more or less somewhat independent from US control.


Well-Known Member
The amphibious version of the N219 will be very useful in such a country like Indonesia, but i am very pessimistic about the development, that the roll out will happen this year is already very unlikely, let alone a first flight.

14 years ago (and even earlier) they already had plans to make amphibious aircrafts....
Despite claims that amphibious aircraft is very useful for an archipelagic country, the reality is that Indonesia is doing just fine with practically zero amphibious aircraft. The only amphibious aircrafts I've seen are a few private ones used for tourism. Technically once the fire-fighting Bombardiers are delivered, we'll have some that is not for tourism, but otherwise amphibious aircraft is nice to have but not a must have. We do not actually have lots of places where we can't build a short runway to land a Cessna and small islands where that isn't possible usually can be served by boats.

Hence why despite a few people in the armed forces or government saying that they need amphibious aircraft, when it comes to the stage where they have to put money where their mouth is, they look into the budget and decides that boats are just fine

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Despite claims that amphibious aircraft is very useful for an archipelagic country, the reality is that Indonesia is doing just fine with practically zero amphibious aircraft. The only amphibious aircrafts I've seen are a few private ones used for tourism. Technically once the fire-fighting Bombardiers are delivered, we'll have some that is not for tourism, but otherwise amphibious aircraft is nice to have but not a must have. We do not actually have lots of places where we can't build a short runway to land a Cessna and small islands where that isn't possible usually can be served by boats.

Hence why despite a few people in the armed forces or government saying that they need amphibious aircraft, when it comes to the stage where they have to put money where their mouth is, they look into the budget and decides that boats are just fine
I am afraid you are right.... a lot of wild ideas and spectacular plans, but often without financial support.
Well, it seems that we can expect the first Canadair/Bombardier/Viking CL-515 somewhere in next year. I wonder if there is already paid for this contract.


The Bunker Group
That CL-515 related to fire fighting emergencies. This past four years, minimum fire on plantation and forests. Now increasing again and bring haze again to Malaysia and Singapore. Fires increase due to El Nino draught. So will see if this get priority funding again.

Hopefully by sacrifice F-15EX. I don't care if many defense enthusiasts in Indonesia love this fighter, I just be more realistic on how to support both Rafale and F-15EX operationally. Anyway talks of Fire Bombing amphibious aircraft only got traction, when the administration lossing face due to big fires that goes to the neighbors.


Active Member
That CL-515 related to fire fighting emergencies. This past four years, minimum fire on plantation and forests. Now increasing again and bring haze again to Malaysia and Singapore. Fires increase due to El Nino draught. So will see if this get priority funding again.

Hopefully by sacrifice F-15EX. I don't care if many defense enthusiasts in Indonesia love this fighter, I just be more realistic on how to support both Rafale and F-15EX operationally. Anyway talks of Fire Bombing amphibious aircraft only got traction, when the administration lossing face due to big fires that goes to the neighbors.
I don't think they're going to tbh. It seems as the Eagle II's are supposed to replace the Flankers, and the Rafales are becoming more of a long-term replacement for the Vipers, F-5's, and Hawks. Especially as it seems that the KF-X might be dropped as the UAE is considering buying out Indonesia's share of the program.


The Bunker Group
don't think they're going to tbh. It seems as the Eagle II's are supposed to replace the Flankers, and the Rafales are becoming more of a long-term replacement for the Vipers, F-5's, and Hawks
I know, the trend shown to that direction. I don't have problem with F-15EX, but just don't trust political commitment to give enough operational budget to maintain both F-15EX and Rafale. Rafale and F-16V probable.

Well, will have to see whose going to win the election anyway. So far it is no effective contract yet. As always in Indonesia Procurement, nothing is certain until money come out.


The Bunker Group

the A330 MRTT has been sold to 14 countries: Australia, France, the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the Multinational MRTT Fleet (MMF) members Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Norway. It has also been selected by Canada, India, and Indonesia.
According to this, Indonesia already select A330 MRTT. Not something that entirely surprising consider Boeing effort to offer the competition lately seems lose steam.

No official confirmation yet, so whether the 'leak' info that Jane's correspondence use is realiable enough, remain to be seen. Still ussualy Jane's editors seems quite confidence to put it.


The Bunker Group
That TAG-82 basically copy of Mk-82 design. Thus in theory should be fit with JDAM kit that already in TNI-AU inventory. Domestic production basically follow pattern of US Mk 80 and Russian FAB families unguided bomb.


The Bunker Group
In his previous tweet, this guy also talk about DI co-op with Spanish company Magline for Operating System.

Base on their website, this company seems offering any UAV builder for tailor made operating systems. One of vendor that seems specialise on this niche market.

Let's how they are going to sort out the mess BRIN already made. Seems DI got money now directly from MinDef and SOE Ministry. Shown how elections politics matter.


The Bunker Group

This is something that being talk since DI still call IPTN at Soeharto era. If you want to sell aircraft, then prepare to provide financing options for that. Indonesia Exim Bank seems now got approval to support DI export for 6 NC-212i to Philippines. This seems additional new export from previous ones.

Financing support from any government that have ambitions for their domestic aviation industry is Important. Before that in DI FB, shown delegations from Canadian aviation industries (PW Canada, Bombardier Defense and CMC Electronics), visit their N219 facility lines. Talking on Canadian Aviation industry support for future production. This includes financing facilities.


Basically N219 potentially will source similar equipment that Twin Otter also use. Make sense tough as it is competing on similar niche market.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

This is something that being talk since DI still call IPTN at Soeharto era. If you want to sell aircraft, then prepare to provide financing options for that. Indonesia Exim Bank seems now got approval to support DI export for 6 NC-212i to Philippines. This seems additional new export from previous ones.

Financing support from any government that have ambitions for their domestic aviation industry is Important. Before that in DI FB, shown delegations from Canadian aviation industries (PW Canada, Bombardier Defense and CMC Electronics), visit their N219 facility lines. Talking on Canadian Aviation industry support for future production. This includes financing facilities.

View attachment 50887

Basically N219 potentially will source similar equipment that Twin Otter also use. Make sense tough as it is competing on similar niche market.
IPTN will order the PT6 engines from P&W Canada, but on the other hand the N219 is a direct concurrent/rival of the DHC-6.
So DHC/Viking will surely have mixed feelings about Canada's support.

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
IPTN will order the PT6 engines from P&W Canada, but on the other hand the N219 is a direct concurrent/rival of the DHC-6.
So DHC/Viking will surely have mixed feelings about Canada's support.
DHC should be pressing both the federal and provincial governments to start producing 515 water bombers rather than whining about PWC’s export sales.


The Bunker Group
DHC should be pressing both the federal and provincial governments to start producing 515 water bombers
That Canadian Aviation Industry talk on support for N219, potentially related to CL515 deal. Indonesian MinDef by law has to get aviation deal to local industry, for overseas procurement. I couldn't find the link anymore, however in one of media conference, they said Canadian Aviation industry support to N219 is part of the deal.

On other hand as no information yet lately on the progress of the deal, it's also potential that the Canadian Industry and DI talk for N219 involvement just part of B to B. Not saying that CL515 deal is being hold, as MinDef can just put it on silence mode.

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
That Canadian Aviation Industry talk on support for N219, potentially related to CL515 deal. Indonesian MinDef by law has to get aviation deal to local industry, for overseas procurement. I couldn't find the link anymore, however in one of media conference, they said Canadian Aviation industry support to N219 is part of the deal.

On other hand as no information yet lately on the progress of the deal, it's also potential that the Canadian Industry and DI talk for N219 involvement just part of B to B. Not saying that CL515 deal is being hold, as MinDef can just put it on silence mode.

My comment was more in relation to our domestic need for more water bombers given the massive forest fires this year. Export sales of the 515 are important but given the huge fires this year domestic sales should be a priority.