My concern is not about the performances of the product.
My concern, and the concern of many, is the political choice behind this deal.
Buying such a product is in plain disagreement with the Strategic Compass and many other European agreements regarding defence.
The point Is not " is there an equivalent option? ".
The point Is that they are ( probably ) buying a product outside of Europe, with zero participation at EU level, without having before asked to the other countries and defence providers for an alternative.
Germany seems to have this behavior of always wanting to be dependent from someone else that is outside of Europe ( Us, China or Russia).
Why didn't they pushed for the Eu-Hydef of Twister program, instead of buying off-the-shelf from Israel?
How much success had European nations have with joint Euro products? How well is the MEADS going?
Let's face it, joint Euro products are doomed to fail, and are a bad business practice. It always starts with good intentions, and ends with bad results.
A single government is enough to impose enough obstacles and bureaucracy to throw off a project (see UK). Having 5 piling up is just asking for trouble.
Now, since this is a time sensitive project, a different approach is needed.
Are there any projects that are European, widely adopted, and successful? Yes. Israeli companies have set up joint ventures in Europe called EuroSpike, EuroTrophy, and EuroPULS.
By partnering with a European defense company, they bring their products to the regional market, adapt them to European standards for interoperability, and produce them locally to ease procurement.
Germany can demand IAI to select a regional partner for a JV, and call it EuroArrow.
Actually, not just Germany. Any European country can make a similar push to try and cash in on this massive deal.
Criticism cannot come without an alternative. Either they propose a similar system with similar capabilities that can be produced in about the same time, with full Euro interoperability, or they can just be happy that Germany has them covered.
Because right now over a dozen countries signed up for a joint defense initiative, and this means there is no intention to keep Arrow non-interoperable with other systems.
EDIT: Furthermore, by buying Arrow 3, they can easily gain access to the developmental Arrow 4 project