NZDF General discussion thread


Well-Known Member

it is an interesting world we live in for sure, but has always been thus. The age of imperialist conquest never left us. Perhaps it only dimmed briefly for those who don't know or care about their history from the 1980's.

I read this in the main, as the context of a statement that NZ has a 'fearlessly' independent foreign policy, just like everyone else, but has chosen to not have the capability to contribute to our nations independence with a meaningful war fighting ability or to value add to a collective defence; therefore, we are literally unable act independently.

Can you look at WWII to 'figure out' that while NZ's main effort was in the Middle East and Europe for some pretty good strategic reasons, Australia and particularly Uncle Sam were defending NZ in the Pacific. On the other hand, if you are worried about defending the cournered CCP Panda I'm not too sure you mind the current NZDF predicament.


Well-Known Member

it is an interesting world we live in for sure, but has always been thus. The age of imperialist conquest never left us. Perhaps it only dimmed briefly for those who don't know or care about their history from the 1980's.

I read this in the main, as the context of a statement that NZ has a 'fearlessly' independent foreign policy, just like everyone else, but has chosen to not have the capability to contribute to our nations independence with a meaningful war fighting ability or to value add to a collective defence; therefore, we are literally unable act independently.

Can you look at WWII to 'figure out' that while NZ's main effort was in the Middle East and Europe for some pretty good strategic reasons, Australia and particularly Uncle Sam were defending NZ in the Pacific. On the other hand, if you are worried about defending the cournered CCP Panda I'm not too sure you mind the current NZDF predicament.
Ahh so WWII, that's the timeline we're looking at? Got it.

Like I said, if the boot was on the other foot and Chinese battlegroups were floating around outside our EEZ and there were permanent bases being set up, no wait set up, literally on our doorstep than sure, our military would gain a whole new perspective and no doubt grow exponentially to counter right? But they are not are they if we are being brutally honest. There are few country that can successfully invade around (around) the world, maintain multiple foreign bases and more importantly sustain those globally deployed forces...

I sometimes find it funny how the irony is lost, and around and round we go...


Well-Known Member
What the irony of a defence knowledgeable chap thinking that you can magic up modern capability after the horse has bolted ... and to mix 'em up' (the metaphors) after the freedom loving Panda has arrived?

I am in turn not surprised that WWI or WWII is not considered an appropriate time-line for modern day kiwis.


Well-Known Member
What the irony of a defence knowledgeable chap thinking that you can magic up modern capability after the horse has bolted ... and to mix 'em up' (the metaphors) after the freedom loving Panda has arrived?

I am in turn not surprised that WWI or WWII is not considered an appropriate time-line for modern day kiwis.
Since you seem to love history, when has the freedom loving panda arrived here? ever?? actually anywhere??? Don't you actually need a history of invasion to then be considered an invader? World domination generally involves leaving your own country does it not? Literally where in the world is China??? Again I'm after facts not theories, I'm weird like that. The "aggressor" moniker gets thrown around a lot these days, by everyone, as in everyone is the aggressor problem is not everyone can be right on the matter can they?

Look I have no issue with countries using scenarios as excuses, sorry justification, for their military doctrine across the planet but then automatically thinking any/every other country then is required to automatically follow suit as a requirement just kinda irks me somewhat without at least some kind of precedence rather than the notion of.

Stuart M

Well-Known Member
Since you seem to love history, when has the freedom loving panda arrived here? ever?? actually anywhere??? Don't you actually need a history of invasion to then be considered an invader? World domination generally involves leaving your own country does it not? Literally where in the world is China??? Again I'm after facts not theories, I'm weird like that. The "aggressor" moniker gets thrown around a lot these days, by everyone, as in everyone is the aggressor problem is not everyone can be right on the matter can they?

Look I have no issue with countries using scenarios as excuses, sorry justification, for their military doctrine across the planet but then automatically thinking any/every other country then is required to automatically follow suit as a requirement just kinda irks me somewhat without at least some kind of precedence rather than the notion of.
Anywhere? (Apologies for wiki)

Chinese involvment on the Korean War

The annexation and suppression of Tibet from 1951

The Chinese invasion of India 1961

When Vietnam had the temerity to get rid of the CCP backed Khmer Rouge

And let's not forget, more recently, the seizure and annexation of islands in the South China Sea

This is the post 1945 record

If course before then the Chinese also had a system of tributary states, Tributary system of China - Wikipedia perform the kow tow in return for peace, trade and diplomacy, explicitly showing and often in practice, acknowledging an inferior/vassal status.

Thing is that China has form in using force/threats or other means of coercion to dominate others, the attempt at a trade blockade of Australia is a clear example of their hostile behaviour.

I have no doubt that similar treatment will be forthcoming to NZ should it attempt to have an independent foreign policy that may be seen to seriously contradict China's.

I have no doubt that the CCP will be quite happy to use the threat of force against NZ as and when it gains the capacity to deploy it, just as it has against say, the Phillipines :
MANILA — When a Chinese trawler rammed a Philippine fishing boat in the South China Sea last month — forcing 22 fishermen to abandon their stricken vessel — officials in Manila were quick with condemnations.

“Cowardly,” the Philippines’ defense secretary said.
Military commanders followed suit, telling reporters it was time for President Rodrigo Duterte to get tough with China after years of increasingly cozy ties.

Instead, the Philippine leader sided with Beijing.


Well-Known Member
Anywhere? (Apologies for wiki)

Chinese involvment on the Korean War

The annexation and suppression of Tibet from 1951

The Chinese invasion of India 1961

When Vietnam had the temerity to get rid of the CCP backed Khmer Rouge

And let's not forget, more recently, the seizure and annexation of islands in the South China Sea

This is the post 1945 record

If course before then the Chinese also had a system of tributary states, Tributary system of China - Wikipedia perform the kow tow in return for peace, trade and diplomacy, explicitly showing and often in practice, acknowledging an inferior/vassal status.

Thing is that China has form in using force/threats or other means of coercion to dominate others, the attempt at a trade blockade of Australia is a clear example of their hostile behaviour.

I have no doubt that similar treatment will be forthcoming to NZ should it attempt to have an independent foreign policy that may be seen to seriously contradict China's.

I have no doubt that the CCP will be quite happy to use the threat of force against NZ as and when it gains the capacity to deploy it, just as it has against say, the Phillipines :
Ahh yes, border disputes, territory claims, cross border incursions, been going on for centuries in any number of countries around the globe, still on going today even.

Still not entirely sure how any of that then equates to an apparent imminent invasion of NZ 3 countries 2 seas and an ocean away that then apparently requires this country to aqquire more frigates, submarines, jets, bombers, MBTs, MLRS, land mines, sea mines, mind mines etc etc etc for, defence?? Or are we do to the invading? For what purpose??

Again not really NZs style if I'm being honest, never has been and I can't see that changing anytime soon either.

TBH if China was to control shipping into Australia or NZ all they would have to do is stop trading with us, China is both Australia's and New Zealands largest trading partner by quite a margin so technically, it would be their shipping anyway? Would we attack them to keep their ships moving??

Stuart M

Well-Known Member
Ahh yes, border disputes, territory claims, cross border incursions, been going on for centuries in any number of countries around the globe, still on going today even.

Still not entirely sure how any of that then equates to an apparent imminent invasion of NZ 3 countries 2 seas and an ocean away that then apparently requires this country to aqquire more frigates, submarines, jets, bombers, MBTs, MLRS, land mines, sea mines, mind mines etc etc etc for, defence?? Or are we do to the invading? For what purpose??

Again not really NZs style if I'm being honest, never has been and I can't see that changing anytime soon either.

TBH if China was to control shipping into Australia or NZ all they would have to do is stop trading with us, China is both Australia's and New Zealands largest trading partner by quite a margin so technically, it would be their shipping anyway? Would we attack them to keep their ships moving??
I'm not saying anything about invasion of anyone, despite the obvious fact that my ancestors are mostly Poms, I was born in NZ and my head of state is King Charles, which really does show that appeals to distance are not and never have been a smart argument against adequate defence spending.

I am saying there is the possibility of coercion via threats of or use of force, and as noted above China is quite willing to do this to get it's way. In this regard, they have a proven track record for this, they also have a proven track record of desiring trade, there is no treason to suppose they cannot do both.
Remember, China could have adopted a policy of using trade coercion against the Philippines but they chose to sink their fishing vessels, no reason they can't do that against NZ.

You may dismiss China's actions as border disputes, but they are not, they are invasions, you asked for evidence of this behaviour from them and I have provided it, as well as evidence of their use of intimidation and force to coerce nations to adopt a policy position favourable to China.

There is no reason to suppose that China will not do the same to NZ should it adopt a policy position China does not approve of, and this need not be against NZ's China trade.
Certainly there is no advantage to NZ in not having armed forces capable of overmatching anything likely to be deployed this way.

Moreover, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it has been quite apparent that use of force is well and truly back on the table for non nuclear and somewhat non-aligned nations, NZ would be very nieve to believe that force cannot be used against it as a foreign policy option, especially as it declines to defend itself in any meaningful way.
Please see my point about about NZ current head if state and recall how that came to be.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying anything about invasion of anyone, despite the obvious fact that my ancestors are mostly Poms, I was born in NZ and my head of state is King Charles, which really does show that appeals to distance are not and never have been a smart argument against adequate defence spending.

I am saying there is the possibility of coercion via threats of or use of force, and as noted above China is quite willing to do this to get it's way. In this regard, they have a proven track record for this, they also have a proven track record of desiring trade, there is no treason to suppose they cannot do both.
Remember, China could have adopted a policy of using trade coercion against the Philippines but they chose to sink their fishing vessels, no reason they can't do that against NZ.

You may dismiss China's actions as border disputes, but they are not, they are invasions, you asked for evidence of this behaviour from them and I have provided it, as well as evidence of their use of intimidation and force to coerce nations to adopt a policy position favourable to China.

There is no reason to suppose that China will not do the same to NZ should it adopt a policy position China does not approve of, and this need not be against NZ's China trade.
Certainly there is no advantage to NZ in not having armed forces capable of overmatching anything likely to be deployed this way.

Moreover, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it has been quite apparent that use of force is well and truly back on the table for non nuclear and somewhat non-aligned nations, NZ would be very nieve to believe that force cannot be used against it as a foreign policy option, especially as it declines to defend itself in any meaningful way.
Please see my point about about NZ current head if state and recall how that came to be.
So you're not saying invasion of anyone but talking invasion of NZ? Possibly, maybe, could be by a country that has never even left it's zip code never mind projected around the world to use military force against us for, essentially upsetting them?

Sorry but still not really sold on the whole theory tbh, I mean I get it we all need a bogeyman to fuel the justification, and has done well so far, better for others obviously, but I just think China has a few other ways to destroy this country if, IF, they chose to do so before getting all expeditionary in nature with boots on the ground.

And then even if they did break the mould and sail across the seas, past countries with literally a lot more on offer then I would almost assume their force projection will be followed up by an equally impressive force protection, force sustaintment and force replacement over that ridiculously long supply route home. Essentially I would think they would put a bit of thought into the effort as it is quite a feat in itself, I mean who has sailed/flew/skipped around the world to conduct an invasion when they quite obviously have issues on their own borders? Taiwan will be hard enough mountain to climb (not to mention 100 times more feasible) and that's literally a stones skip away and I have no doubt they are watching the Rus-Uke conflict with as much interest, and concern, as the rest of the world C/W lessons learning. 2 more frigates, a squadron of jets or even another battalion (even if we could man) won't deter that, quite the opposite if anything.

Now I'm always up for an upgrade but a wholesale transformation is another story, 20-100 bn and quite a monumental ask all things considered and, again, based on what exactly?

Stuart M

Well-Known Member
So you're not saying invasion of anyone but talking invasion of NZ? Possibly, maybe, could be by a country that has never even left it's zip code never mind projected around the world to use military force against us for, essentially upsetting them?

Sorry but still not really sold on the whole theory tbh, I mean I get it we all need a bogeyman to fuel the justification, and has done well so far, better for others obviously, but I just think China has a few other ways to destroy this country if, IF, they chose to do so before getting all expeditionary in nature with boots on the ground.

And then even if they did break the mould and sail across the seas, past countries with literally a lot more on offer then I would almost assume their force projection will be followed up by an equally impressive force protection, force sustaintment and force replacement over that ridiculously long supply route home. Essentially I would think they would put a bit of thought into the effort as it is quite a feat in itself, I mean who has sailed/flew/skipped around the world to conduct an invasion when they quite obviously have issues on their own borders? Taiwan will be hard enough mountain to climb (not to mention 100 times more feasible) and that's literally a stones skip away and I have no doubt they are watching the Rus-Uke conflict with as much interest, and concern, as the rest of the world C/W lessons learning. 2 more frigates, a squadron of jets or even another battalion (even if we could man) won't deter that, quite the opposite if anything.

Now I'm always up for an upgrade but a wholesale transformation is another story, 20-100 bn and quite a monumental ask all things considered and, again, based on what exactly?
Its not a question of what you are sold on, it's a question of what capacity a totalitarian power with a documented history of use of force against others can do. Aside from your crack about them not leaving ,'their zip code' being clearly wrong, and I'm sorry to say I also think you misunderstand how force can be used to coerce a nation short of literal invasion. It's simply not a case of a black and white scenario of invasion or not being invaded, there is complexity and subtlety there you seem to be missing.

Ze Germans sailed from the other side of the planet to have a go at NZ, and you want to suggest China, with vastly superior relative capabilities, couldn't do the same or better? And the Germans were quite busy in Europe at the time with their borders!
I think you're being a tad naive if you think China wouldn't do something similar to the Germans or worse short of invasion if they felt it was in their interests.

Moreover, as China has a demonstrated history of using force to compel or force other nations into vassalage or tributary status, and technology allows them to continue this practice at greater distance, there is zero reason to assume they won't do so with NZ at some point.


Well-Known Member
Its not a question of what you are sold on, it's a question of what capacity a totalitarian power with a documented history of use of force against others can do. Aside from your crack about them not leaving ,'their zip code' being clearly wrong, and I'm sorry to say I also think you misunderstand how force can be used to coerce a nation short of literal invasion. It's simply not a case of a black and white scenario of invasion or not being invaded, there is complexity and subtlety there you seem to be missing.

Ze Germans sailed from the other side of the planet to have a go at NZ, and you want to suggest China, with vastly superior relative capabilities, couldn't do the same or better? And the Germans were quite busy in Europe at the time with their borders!
I think you're being a tad naive if you think China wouldn't do something similar to the Germans or worse short of invasion if they felt it was in their interests.

Moreover, as China has a demonstrated history of using force to compel or force other nations into vassalage or tributary status, and technology allows them to continue this practice at greater distance, there is zero reason to assume they won't do so with NZ at some point.
Are you seriously quoting ze Germans right now WRT China?? Wow!


Well-Known Member
I think the point is China has a huge range of options for impacting NZ from a long way off with minimal consequences for them.
That's the rumour, I've been hearing my entire life. And before them was the Russians? I'm sure North Korea will be in there somewhere? Iran depending on which way you spin the globe? The list can go on and on, potetially, maybe, anything's possible really.


Well-Known Member

Amongst the world’s people, apparently very few want war. It’s not just our idea. The threshold may be lower in places but I dear say even the murdering and rapist Conscriptizz invading Ukraine would prefer peace. Not wanting to sound too alarmist, however, those freedom loving imperialist totalitarians in China and Russia may not actually care what the people want.

Although Kiwis can repeat our national mantra of ‘war isn’t our style, not really our bag, baby’ a gazzilion times, that doesn’t mean this will magically make it so; and that jaw-jaw will always work. The major beef I have is that we as a nation used to honour, in the best sense, our warriors and why they were part of our world wide Statecraft. The only reason we are able to indulge in our trendy, immature, isolationist, peace-mongering ways is due to the sacrifices of our tribal warriors and the citizen-soldiers contribution to a collective greater defence.

You tragically confuse nuclear strategy, direct invasion, and the Great Game (ie. Soft Power, geo-strategy, Deterrence) which is currently being played in our region. Refer to Prof Anne-Marie Brady or the vast evidence of CCP influence/interference in the South Pacific and Australia. To say nothing of Africa or the obvious CCP calve-up of the Deep South.

I applaud your humour in thinking that we currently have any war fighting capability and that the options for better balance are a few more token ships or all the way to 100 battalions and submarines. Like your CCP invasion of NZ theme, you are in equal measures both absurd and defeatist/pacifist. Likewise, like Finland or South Korea we have the innate manpower to operate the necessary equipment once we put some thought into it.

National statesmanship would have us remember that we need our Allies, whilst playing in the UN lalaland of Hope. That is being mature, like Singapore or Australia, whilst whistling ‘ban the Bomb, land mines, hurtful words’. NZ does not need to act like the worlds chavist used-car salesman, dumping unprocessed Primary to all, to try and make people like us. Using a historical (which I do love so much because it gives us all a fact based narrative not some students dream) analogy, that would be like us trading with Hitler or the Qing Density despite our moral compass.

One of the primary duties of the state is to provide security for its citizens to grow and prosper. It seems that you and our current political leadership have abandoned this as either an extravagance (ignorance) or not our problem (bludgers) or simply too ugly so we will just give it a good ignoring (isolationist).

Chin chin buddy


Well-Known Member
One sentence reply; not cricket old chap!

Reg has been on here a lot longer than you. No need to do the raw prawn act.
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Well-Known Member

Amongst the world’s people, apparently very few want war. It’s not just our idea. The threshold may be lower in places but I dear say even the murdering and rapist Conscriptizz invading Ukraine would prefer peace. Not wanting to sound too alarmist, however, those freedom loving imperialist totalitarians in China and Russia may not actually care what the people want.

Although Kiwis can repeat our national mantra of ‘war isn’t our style, not really our bag, baby’ a gazzilion times, that doesn’t mean this will magically make it so; and that jaw-jaw will always work. The major beef I have is that we as a nation used to honour, in the best sense, our warriors and why they were part of our world wide Statecraft. The only reason we are able to indulge in our trendy, immature, isolationist, peace-mongering ways is due to the sacrifices of our tribal warriors and the citizen-soldiers contribution to a collective greater defence.

You tragically confuse nuclear strategy, direct invasion, and the Great Game (ie. Soft Power, geo-strategy, Deterrence) which is currently being played in our region. Refer to Prof Anne-Marie Brady or the vast evidence of CCP influence/interference in the South Pacific and Australia. To say nothing of Africa or the obvious CCP calve-up of the Deep South.

I applaud your humour in thinking that we currently have any war fighting capability and that the options for better balance are a few more token ships or all the way to 100 battalions and submarines. Like your CCP invasion of NZ theme, you are in equal measures both absurd and defeatist/pacifist. Likewise, like Finland or South Korea we have the innate manpower to operate the necessary equipment once we put some thought into it.

National statesmanship would have us remember that we need our Allies, whilst playing in the UN lalaland of Hope. That is being mature, like Singapore or Australia, whilst whistling ‘ban the Bomb, land mines, hurtful words’. NZ does not need to act like the worlds chavist used-car salesman, dumping unprocessed Primary to all, to try and make people like us. Using a historical (which I do love so much because it gives us all a fact based narrative not some students dream) analogy, that would be like us trading with Hitler or the Qing Density despite our moral compass.

One of the primary duties of the state is to provide security for its citizens to grow and prosper. It seems that you and our current political leadership have abandoned this as either an extravagance (ignorance) or not our problem (bludgers) or simply too ugly so we will just give it a good ignoring (isolationist).

Chin chin buddy
Ahh what are you even on about?? You may want to read back through the thread there, buddy, you "tragically confuse" literally everything I've said, and I have no clue what you are on about re nuclear strategy?? I'm not the one advocating more frigates, battalions or submarines I'm the one asking why would we need more frigates, battalions, submarines etc etc, as in actually why? when tbh we barely use the ones we have and the reply so far is maybe China (yourself included it would seem) so then again I ask, based on what precedence? Oh ze Germans, as in the 1940s Germans....China has barely even left their own country and I'm expected to believe we need to drastically increase our military capability because, maybe?? Righto. Yes of course those before us fought in wars, our allies wars, and we still are today, so what exactly are you upset about? When has NZ asked anyone to go to war? We havnt, and we most likely never will because we don't start them, yet ironically we've been involved in almost every conflict since to some degree, again, supporting our allies, which I have no issue with as that's what allies do. What I do take issue with is when those "allies" then say they are having to protect NZ?? So I ask the when's, why's and how's, and turns out it's, maybe China....and if China ever did kick off in Taiwan then we will no doubt partake in another war, the fact we may not be conducting bombing runs in jets or sending in a fleet of frigates vs say, a frigate is not really the point is it because yea, that is the people we are. That's the thing about history to remember, it actually begins from now not conveniently 80 years ago.

China are literally doing nothing no one else is doing in "our region"?? Growing military capability, forward basing, forging alliances, new technology, over matching it's peer, securing it's interests blah blah blah (sound familiar?) difference being China is ultimately still in China in ITS region (actual), and like I've already said we would do the same if Chinese carrier groups were increasingly sailing around our EEZ routinely skirting the east coast of NZ? (In international waters of course) Of course we would!! Tit for tat is nothing new and thats how races start, but who started it again?

Do you not feel safe in NZ right now? Have you not grown or prospered? I feel just the same as I did 30, 40 years ago tbh security wise, bit of an inflation issue atm but that's worldwide I've heard not NZ specific due to, maybe China. I havn't abandoned anything, I've just lived the past 40 on the way to 50 years raised (literally) on the maybe China's and prior to that maybe Russia's and just realised maybe, what?

And BTW, no, we actually don't have the innate manpower to operate the necessary equipment, kinda the whole point, more equipment would merely be futile and pointless, something I can't seem to get across and this being after years of "us" putting thought into it as well....

I'm more of a league man myself.

Stuart M

Well-Known Member
Are you seriously quoting ze Germans right now WRT China?? Wow!
As per John, China have options. But, not to put too fine a point on it, its not beyond the realms of possibility that they will be quite happy to threaten use of force to coerce a policy stance from NZ that NZ might not wish to take, if they were to say invade Taiwan. Now you do not seem to want to concede this, but they are a totalitarian nation with an appalling human right record, and they have form for this sort of behaviour.

Stuart M

Well-Known Member
That's the rumour, I've been hearing my entire life. And before them was the Russians? I'm sure North Korea will be in there somewhere? Iran depending on which way you spin the globe? The list can go on and on, potetially, maybe, anything's possible really.
And I remember when a Chinese casino company bought old hulk of a carrier from Ukraine and being told by informed commentators that they would never turn that rustbuket into an operational carrier, that the company were just turning into another casino cause the modern China was a market economy and that always meant they would morph into a democracy.... Now they have three and more on the way.


Well-Known Member
As per John, China have options. But, not to put too fine a point on it, its not beyond the realms of possibility that they will be quite happy to threaten use of force to coerce a policy stance from NZ that NZ might not wish to take, if they were to say invade Taiwan. Now you do not seem to want to concede this, but they are a totalitarian nation with an appalling human right record, and they have form for this sort of behaviour.
Oh I have absolutely no illusions on their human rights record, or lack of, but then I have that veiw on a few countries to varying degrees. I still do not see how any of that equates to NZ being in the firing line for Chinese aggression requiring a major shake up/make up/step up of our military in terms of equipment, capability and manpower, Taiwan invasion included.


Well-Known Member
And I remember when a Chinese casino company bought old hulk of a carrier from Ukraine and being told by informed commentators that they would never turn that rustbuket into an operational carrier, that the company were just turning into another casino cause the modern China was a market economy and that always meant they would morph into a democracy.... Now they have three and more on the way.
A lot of countries around the planet, in "our region" even, have or are planning some kind of aircraft carrier capability now or in the near future, some quite spectacular. Are China somehow exempt/suspect/banned from these goals because, they're not deemed the "good guys"? Who does the decision making on who gets to have what for their own country out of interest? It's a bit like the nuclear club selection process, good enough for some but frowned upon for others dependant on who you know.

Stuart M

Well-Known Member
Oh I have absolutely no illusions on their human rights record, or lack of, but then I have that veiw on a few countries to varying degrees. I still do not see how any of that equates to NZ being in the firing line for Chinese aggression requiring a major shake up/make up/step up of our military in terms of equipment, capability and manpower, Taiwan invasion included.
To reuse the old analogy of Germany, how did we get into their firing line in the South Pacific?
I really don't understand why you would think a totalitarian power with actual power projection capability, with its long documented history of expecting subservience of all in sundry will somehow tolerate non-subservience. I hate to break it to you but nations like modern day China are not on board with nation's who have 'independent foreign policies' and there will come a day when we have to say no and they are going to react badly to that, and just saying 'but were cuddly kiwis a long way from anywhere' just isn't good enough an answer.