Sandhi Yudha
Well-Known Member
Thank you for sharing.Few days ago, there's a meeting between ROK Foreign Minister and his counterpart from Indonesia. There're several items that being talk and sign for further cooperation. However my point is the difference perspective from each nation media reporting base on each minister perspective.
Indonesia dan Korea Selatan Bekerja Sama Kembangkan Vaksin COVID-19
Menteri Luar Negeri Retno Marsudi, Jumat (25/6) menerima mitranya, Menteri Luar Negeri Korea Selatan Chung Eui-yong, di kantornya di Jakarta. Keduanya membahas kerja sama bilateral, termasuk soal penanganan pandemi
Top diplomats of S. Korea, Indonesia agree on close cooperation for joint fighter project | Yonhap News Agency
SEOUL, June 25 (Yonhap) -- The top diplomats of South Korea and Indonesia agreed Friday
So ROK media talk more on defense cooperation while from Indonesia talk more on Vacinne development perpective. Doesn't mean both cooperation has not been in the agenda. However this shown in my opinion the difference perpective agenda.
Korsel Berharap Bisa Kembangkan Kapal Selam dengan Indonesia
Menteri Luar Negeri Korsel, Chung Eui-yong menuturkan, kerjasama pertahanan Indonesia-Korsel cukup baik, tapi dia ingin kerjasma kedua negara terus diperluas.
This is the only Indonesian media outlet that mentioning defense cooperation during the visit. According to this, it's ROK Foreign Minister that shown the hope on continues defense cooperation.
RI Dorong Peningkatan Perlindungan Pekerja Migran dan ABK Indonesia di Korea Selatan -
(Menlu RI) Retno Marsudi menerima kunjungan Menteri Luar Negeri Korea Selatan (Korsel) Chung Eui Yong di kantor Kemlu RI, Jakarta, Jumat (25/6/2021)
While Indonesian Foreign Minister talk more on protection of Indonesian workers in South Korea.
Thus the way I see it. Both ROK and Indonesia foreign minister sign further agreement on development Vaccine Covid cooperation. However they emphasise different agenda asside Health/Covid, with Indonesian side emphasises workers/economic cooperation and ROK side emphasis more on defense cooperation.
As this is Defense forum, It will be interesting how the ROK agenda on Submarine and Fighter development will further receive from Indonesian side.
|"Korea Selatan (Korsel) berharap bisa terus meningkatkan kerjasama pertahanan dengan Indonesia. Seoul ingin kerjasama tersebut sampai ke tingkat pengembangan peralatan militer, salah satunya adalah kapal selam."|
Hope/wish/plan to....
Agreements to increase/improve defence cooperation ....Indonesia has many of such agreements, sometimes even multiple times with some countries.
Its actually not something new. Nothing has changed the last years.