Finally, some observations:
- The whole world does not revolve around the US and the US is not the gods gift to the world. It never was; never will be and that is the same for any nation, religious or political system. There are only two certainties in life; death and taxes.
- You cannot analyse a non US society / nation viewed through a strictly US lens or prism. In effect you are analysing that society through viewpoints and a cultural identity that is yours and not theirs, therefore leading to false conclusions. They think differently, have a totally different cultural and social dynamic. history and philosophical dynamic to what you do. It is within that context that you have to analyse them.
Also for you (respectfully) to bear in mind:
1) We in the west arguably would not be in the position that we enjoy today were it not for the might and superiority of US military power. They assisted us greatly in two world wars and more importantly served as our protector from Soviet enslavement. The latter being by far the most anti-humanitarian regime the world has ever known.
2) It is no good looking at North Korea as a sovereign nation in it's own right when the majority of the population live as primitive slaves, frightened, and down trodden where escaping at all costs is commonplace. Offering a guarantee of sovereignty (By the US and China) unfortunately may be the only way forward to avoid a holocaust but that is a sad reflection on the lack of options that the region now is faced with.
It would good to remember where we would all be without the US.
I'm sorry but it's time that China took a more active role in sorting out the problem along with Russia and not just leaving it to the US. In the long term China has more to lose than the US and it's ostrich stance will cost it dearly in the end.
Everyone moans about the US. Then I say let the others pitch for in real or shut up.
China needs to look forward and embrace a new paradigm; a new friendlier regime on it's border. It must happen and will happen soon to the relief and freedom of the millions in that miserable country rife with starvation and deprivation.
The history of the Korean war (which all are aware of anyway) holds little value to me other than as I have already stated; the US must stop leaving jobs half done. It always pays more in the end.