Some interesting new vehicles were shown at a recent DPRK military parade. Some new MBTs that look like an elongated T-55 cosplaying an M-1 Abrams, new SP Arty, ATGMs that may or may not be NLOS (two new SP ATGM carriers including what appear to be traditional beam-riders in a BTR-derived chassis, and something else entirely), and even a new armored car. It's interesting how much of these are Chinese imports and how much are local efforts.
EDIT: A closer look reveals that the tank seems to borrow some solutions from the Object 148 T-14 including the near-identical looking APS tubes. I can't help but wonder how much of it is real and how much just a mock-up.
They also showed a new road-mobile ICBM that may be able to reach most if not all of the US mainland.
And what appears to be a new short-range SAM similar in layout and design to the Tor family. Please note, China has their own Tor-derived SAM and it's likely that this is how the technology made it into North Korea.

Новый танк КНДР и многое другое
современные танки, Армата, Т-95, Молот, Объект 299, Оплот, Т-84, БТВТ
EDIT: A closer look reveals that the tank seems to borrow some solutions from the Object 148 T-14 including the near-identical looking APS tubes. I can't help but wonder how much of it is real and how much just a mock-up.
Краткий анализ особенностей нового танка КНДР
На ночном параде в честь 75-летия Трудовой партии Кореи был показан абсолютно новый танк. Архитектура образца выглядит весьма прогрессивно и части шасси внешне схожа с решениями, применяемыми на российском перспективном танке Т-14 Армата . Башня также внешне имеет заимствованные…

They also showed a new road-mobile ICBM that may be able to reach most if not all of the US mainland.
КНДР показала на параде новую межконтинентальную баллистическую ракету
Похоже, у Кима сейчас есть самая большая мобильная МБР в мире Военные эксперты в Сеуле считают, что дизайн новых ракет напоминает Хвасон-15 с расчетной дальностью 12 874 км, которая может достичь любой точки на территории материковой части США СЕУЛ, 10 октября. /ТАСС/. КНДР…

And what appears to be a new short-range SAM similar in layout and design to the Tor family. Please note, China has their own Tor-derived SAM and it's likely that this is how the technology made it into North Korea.

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