Look at the dates that NATO expanded eastwards, they all occured around the periods Putin began his latest round of aggression.
Friedman (Stratfor): "Another important point-not being able to have troops everywhere, throughout the United States will maintain hostility and war, all fighting each other and not fight against the United States. And the United States will help the arms, money and advisors. Sami will intervene only as a last resort.
You do not need to invade a country, you need to put in power pro-US regime-as was the case in Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. Ukraine is vital for Russia, since it controls the West NATO to five hundred kilometers from Moscow, and a hundred kilometers from Stalingrad. (Friedman and says-Stalingrad)
The US goal-the creation of "Land Between the Seas", the buffer area, cut off Russia from Germany. The author of this concept-Pilsudski (Polish revolutionary, pro-Western dictator of Poland).
-Is Islamic extremism present a danger to the United States? He will come to naught, or will continue to exist?
-Islamism is a problem for the United States, but is a vital threat. It is necessary to deal with the problem, but it is necessary to make in the proportional force, not more. We have different foreign policy interests. And that's what.
The main foreign policy interests of the United States throughout the last century, during the First, Second World Wars and the Cold focused on the relations between Russia and Germany. Because, together, they are the only force that represents US vital threat. And our main task is to prevent their union. If you are a Ukrainian, you will be looking for someone who can help you. And it will be the United States. About ten days ago, I visited Ukraine in-chief of the US Army in Europe Gen. Ben Hodges. There he announced that soon will arrive to Ukraine officially US military advisers. He was awarded medals of Ukrainian soldiers of the US military, which generally prohibits US Army Regulations-awarding medals foreigners. But Hodges did it because I wanted to show that the Ukrainian army-is his army. Then he left.
The US is now supplying weapons, artillery and other weapons Baltic countries, Romania, Poland and Bulgaria. This is a very interesting aspect. And yesterday, the US announced its intention to supply weapons to Georgia. Although then followed by a denial, weapons will be available. And in all these matters are the United States, bypassing NATO, because NATO's decision can only be taken unanimously by all members.
The essence of what is happening is that the US is building a cordon sanitaire around Russia. And Russia knows this. Russia believes that the US is going to dismember the Russian Federation. I think we do not want to kill the Russian, but only slightly hurt and cause uschёrb.
In any case, we are back to the old game. And if you ask what he thinks Poles, Hungarians and Romanians...They live in a completely different universe than the Germans, and the Germans, in turn, live in a totally different universe than the Spaniards. And so on. In short, disagreement reigns in Europe".