Bit off topic for Kiwis - though I am half Kiwi - BAE took over the Tenix contract for LHD's as contract was awarded. BAE worked well with Navantia as its main subcontractor and added the complex superstructure and integrated combat system less than a year behind schedule for Canberra and just about on time for Adelaide. Comare that with ASC and the AWDs!
Ummm.... you do realise that BAE where the block subcontractor for the keel blocks on Ship 1 (Hobart) and that they not only stuffed them up, the stuffed the rework on them as well and eventually had to deliver them incomplete and uncertified to AWD for them to fix? This is because they sacked most of the experienced workforce they inherited from Tenix in between contracts, had to hire new people, train and certified them as they were working on the AWD blocks, they were literally miles behind the other block fabricators in every measurable way.
The AWD Alliance had to pull welders, weld supervisors, engineers, marine surveyors, piping experts as well as other trades and specialists out of Adelaide and Newcastle to send to BAE to get them back up to speed. Lloyds and other experts were also contracted and the former Chief Surveyor from ABS was also hired by Raytheon and sent there to fix things. Even with all this extra help BAE still was not able to fix the blocks themselves and had to send them to Adelaide to be reworked and completed. They were so far behind schedule that all bar two of the ship 2 blocks they had been allocated were reallocated to ASC, Forgacs and Navantia so not to delay the project even further.
It was this work force, trained and certified by some of the best shipbuilding people in the world, that were so poorly managed, that even after most AWD work (that they incidentally had been paid top dollar to do because they were "Australia's pre-eminent shipbuilder") still made many of the same mistakes on fabricating the LHD superstructures and delivered Canberra twelve months late with a litany of defects. So bad was the performance of BAEs management head office eventually had no choice but to go through the place with a machete and replace most of them with experts from OS and elsewhere in Australia.
BAE stuffing up the keel blocks of ship one screwed the AWD schedule more than all other factors combined. This is most clearly illustrated by the fact that schedule has been clawed back in the far more complex and risky, combat system integration, consolidation and outfit stages of ship 1, the stages BAE had no involvement with whatsoever. Tell yourself as many fairy tails as you like but back in 2011/12 the consensus was BAE management should go to gaol and many of their trades should be sent back to TAFE. And I am speaking as a bloke who had to deal with gloves and rags being welded inside pipe segments of those first keel blocks and buy in videoscopes etc. to conduct 100% inspections of the "certified complete and tested" excrement from Williamstown.
*Sorry for taking this even further off topic but I had only just read this comment and could not let it stand unchallenged. Far too many untruths are now treated as gospel because they are not challenged when and as they appear.